5 Amazing Creative Blogs

I feel like I have quite a varied audience (hello YOU!) for my blog. There are those of you who love general life update/chatty posts, those of you who are beauty bloggers and appreciate seeing my new fave purchases, those who like that I sometimes even blog drunk (why??!) and those who like when I share my latest creative experiments.

I myself like writing a little of everything, and the blogs I read vary hugely in their categories. But admittedly, my bookmarks are mostly full of creative blogs that inspire me. Whether professional looking, or quickly thrown together on Tumblr; I love any kind of blogger who shares their artwork, creative writing, textile prints, fun diy posts or illustrations. I love people sharing ideas, and talking about what went wrong/right with a project. Those are my favourite kinds of blogs, they motivate me and keep me going. Today I thought I'd share five of them with you, that I've admired for a while.

Prepare yourself for total inspiration!...

1. Elise Joy.

Elise is someone whose blog I come back to time and time again. Hers was one of the first blogs I ever read properly, and I've followed her for years. She's basically a creative powerhouse with her own blog, podcast, shop and workbook. Her blog is one of the most inspiring and motivational bookmarks I have on my browser. I recommend visiting her archive and browsing all her fantastic diy posts.

2. Ella Masters.

I'd be surprised if you didn't already know of Ella, as she's a popular blogger/illustrator and all around awesome girl. I fell in love with her blog early last year and have visited every few days since. Her work is absolutely incredible and she takes you through her creative process too, which I love. I never fail to come away feeling inspired, and I knew she was definitely in my top 5 for this list.

3. The Creative Outlook.

Meet Amy - one of my favourite bloggers! Amy is a surface pattern artist and student who shares her work, life, processes on her blog. Her use of texture, colour and pattern is so beautiful and she adds her fun personality to all her projects. I think anyone would enjoy her blog, but if you especially love getting to know other artists; you'll adore Amy.

4. Bash Studio.

Bash Studio is a new find for me, but one I've quickly come to love! Alyson shares adorable and inspiring diy blog posts, beautiful photography and a hell of a lot of motivation to boot! She recently did a 'Best of 2015' post and I recommend you take a look through for some of her amazing work! Also, you WILL want to follow her on Instagram. Trust me.

5. A Beautiful Mess.

This is an obvious one isn't it?! Elsie and Emma are absolutely amazing at creating Pinterest worthy diy projects, artwork, food and baking projects and more. Everything they do, they do with heaps of creativity. Just one 'quick visit' can turn into hours of me getting lost in their archive for sure. Definitely one of my all time favourite blogs ever. VISIT THEM.

I could be here all day, as there are so many creative souls I love. But these are probably my top 5 favourites, for very different reasons. I love them all though, and I hope you guys will too. 

Let me know any suggestions you have for other bloggers I may like? :)

Thanks guys!

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