Cute Surprises With Innabox

Good morning you lovely bunch! Hope you're all having a nice week, filled with smiles. I'm actually dreading the weekend, because that's when I have to work :( But oh well, gotta pay dem billz. Let's forget about that for the moment though and think of happier things! 
Like when I was recently contacted by the lovely Nikky over at Innabox* asking if I'd like some sample items of her products sent out to me; how nice!

I was already a little familiar with Innabox designs and Nikky's fabulous work, because some of her items are stocked over on Cheekyboo's website. As a lot of you know, I've been doing social media work on and off for months for Cheekyboo, and so I've had had time to get acquainted with Nikky's designs, and really appreciate her creativity. 

I was more than flattered and thrilled that Nikky thought I'd be the perfect person to work with and get some feedback from, so quickly said yes and awaited eagerly for my postman.

I couldn't have been happier when all these treats made their way to my door, and I greeted them with smiles and squeals. My absolute FAVOURITE item is the adorable brooch of a fox with a pineapple; it's just so me! I've been wearing this non stop and feel like it adds such a unique little quirk to any outfit. Perfect!
I also received one of Innabox's awesome prints to hang on my wall with pride. Gary was also really digging this one, as it has a geeky/gamer feel to it; a cute animal twist on the old Tetris game. We've hung this up in what I like to call our 'cute corner' in the living room. AKA the place for all my bits and bobs of loveliness! It looks pretty awesome dontcha' think?
And finally I received a bunch of fun stickers! Yay! You all know by now my love for all things cute/stationary etc, and I have a box at home just for stickers because I'm that obsessed. I'm in love with these designs and need to find the perfect place for them still. Maybe one of my notebooks? Maybe my laptop? I dunno! Where would you guys put 'em?

The quality and creative flare of every one of Innabox designs really shows through. Nikky puts her heart and soul into her work with passion and fun that you just can't help but love. I hope you guys will support her small business, as that's always a bit awesome isn't it? You can also find them on Twitter here.

A huge thank you to Nikky for being such a darling, you've definitely go yourself a fan!

*Items were provided for review. All views are my own, please see my disclaimer for more information.
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  1. Oh my gosh all of these things are just the cutest!




  2. The Guinea Pig Sticker to seal the bag is ADORABLE just like everything else you got. Definitely need to check out her items :) x

    Jordan | Keep Dreaming ♡

  3. These are beyond cute!! Xx

    An Impatient Scottish Girl

  4. Ah I absolutely adore the 'Petris' print! So cute!


  5. I loved the Petris poster - I don't really have any posters in my workshop but now I'm sorely tempted!

    Wild Bear x

  6. That Petris poster is adorable, I love it!

  7. Is it bad that I'm most excited about the packaging? lol
    Petris is my new favorite word.


  8. That Petris poster is hilarious!

    Nicola //

  9. These are too adorable!! I LOVE that poster.. anything geeky is awesome :3

  10. THANK YOU! <3 Haha you are the bestest! xx

  11. Haha Its a cutie isnt it?! I love Nikky's work! xx

  12. It's not bad at all, I squealed when I seen haha! xxx

  13. Me too! I was so happy when it arrived haha :D xx

  14. Ooooh you should! This one has cheered our living room up a bit haha ^__^ Thanks for popping by lovely! xxx

  15. Aww thanks Lauren! I think so too! xx

  16. Haha I know, I love how Nikky has made such an effort even with packaging! xxx

  17. I knoooow! I was so happy when the postman brought 'em! Haha :) xx

  18. Cute! Who wouldn't want a fox with a pineapple on his head? Tetris!!!

    Tea in the Tub

  19. Cute! Who wouldn't want a fox with a pineapple on his head? Tetris!!!

    Tea in the Tub

  20. Cute! Who wouldn't want a fox with a pineapple on his head? Tetris!!!

    Tea in the Tub


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