Estée Lauder Double Wear Review

I'm quite pale but not perfectly porcelain. I'm not one to wear tonnes of makeup, but I still wear enough everyday to cover blemishes, dark circles, and in extreme heat; my many freckles. Speaking of heat, whenever there's the tiniest bit of humidity in the air, or I'm particularly anxious or nervous (daily basis..), my makeup disappears and I look like I've been dragged through a hedge. 

This has come to be the norm for me unfortunately. If I go on a night out, I have to fill my little handbag with my foundation and powder, as well as other necessities like my phone, money for shots, and my address written down for the cab driver ;) Not great unless you love taking a huge bag out with you..

Until NOW. Last week I finally got around to buying Estee Lauder Double Wear, and I was so excited as I'd heard such good things about it. 

I had £10 in rewards available on my Debenhams Beauty card, and there was no way I was letting that bad boy go to waste. I had a look around online, and decided to finally go for '2N1 Desert Beige' as it looked very close to my natural colour, maybe a subtle shade darker - which is what I'd prefer. So I risked it and ordered it. I have to say I'm extremely lucky, because it is such a perfect shade for my skin! And I got to avoid the girls at the beauty counter, yaaay! You feel me yeah?

I was hoping for a gorgeous medium coverage, something that would make my skin look soft and.. well, perfect. Something that would apply really easily over my skin, without looking cakey. What I got was all this and more. I mean it's called Stay in Place Makeup. But now that I've explained how makeup has never stayed in place for me, I hope you can see just how much I really didn't expect this. But oh my god does it STAY. I've given it over a week now to test this out in various situations, and it has passed each test with flying colours. 

Even yesterday, I applied it in the morning at around 8:30am, shown below. Sorry it's not the best photo, it's the best I could get before I rushed out the house!

And I spent the very warm day shopping, lugging around bags, coming home, cleaning and tidying for hours, then finally chilling out in the evening. Then I remembered to get another photo before the daylight totally went..

I know it's always hard to tell with other people's skin, especially when you guys haven't seen me without makeup. But trust me on this - this is still SO in place and held perfectly all day. I didn't touch it up once, not even after getting a bit clammy in the heat. The only thing that needed reapplying was my lipstick and eyeliner. So I just need to find the perfect replacements for those now...

But really guys, I know you've probably seen hundreds of reviews on Double Wear and how great it is. So if you've bothered reading this then thank you so much. I really wanted to reiterate what many other bloggers have said though, and confirm it really is as good as it claims to be. It's just a shame it's not so cheap.. But at least my handbag is much lighter now for nights out!

Here's to being skint forever now. Bye. x
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  1. Double Wear is so good - it lasts so long on the skin!

  2. Glad you liked this! I'm a Double Wear convert as well; it's the only foundation that doesn't make me look orange and lasts the whole day at work, plus the coverage is great! It always makes me happy to see another Double Wear lover, except I had to brave the girls at the counter; they took my makeup off and everything to match me, it was horrific! You dodged a bullet there!

    Alexandra ♡

    1. Oh god that sounds like my nightmare!! I'm soooooo glad I found a perfect shade for me by chance so I could avoid them!
      I love this foundation so much, I honestly think I'm set for life now haha! xx

  3. I love Double Wear, used to wear it constantly when I was younger and had no real expenses haha. Since I've switched to MAC Studio Fix and I get really similar results with it and it's like £6 cheaper! Have you ever tried it? Maybe ask for a wee sample if you're ever near a MAC counter . :) xxx

    Aisling |

    1. What a great tip! Thank you so much! I'll definitely need to try it because I mean, just under £30 a pop isnt great for my bank balance haha! Plus I've heard good things about MAC studio fix too. Thanks Aisling! xx

  4. I really want to try this as I have the same problem, makeup just doesn't stay put all day. I'm just worried that it will cling to my dry skin on my cheeks though. I guess I just need to get a sample and give it a try! X
    Beauty with charm

  5. Wow, it looks stunning on you! I've heard many great things about this product - definitely added it to my list now hehe

    Style Sunrise☀


  6. Double Wear was one of the first expensive foundations I tried when I was about 15. I loved it but I had pretty bad skin so nothing was great for me at that time. I'd love to try it again now that my skin has cleared up as I bet it looks amazing!

    The Makeup Directory

  7. I love Estee Double Wear, it is one of my holy grail foundations. It really keeps my oily skin looking flawless without looking too cakey. It is a fantastic product.

    1. My problem was my oily skin too! I feel so much better now I've found this! ^__^

  8. This really suits you and makes your skin so flawless! I'll have to try this one out myself :)

    Lyndsay | Fizzy Peaches

  9. I've never heard a bad review of this foundation which makes me want to try it so badly! Your skin looks flawless!


  10. Oooh let me know if you do! xx

  11. It looks great! I've tried a sample before but found it too heavy and cakey. Will give it another go...


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