Doodling Again

In the spirit of sharing all that I'm up to, I thought I'd stop a minute from drawing this little doll and post it on my blog. Because why not? I need you guys to know, this is not finished! There are many imperfections with this that are bugging me, but I've been practising on my tablet for like 2 hours now, and I need a break. So yes, I know there are things that need to be improved, but I'm happy so far with the progress. 

I'm just so inexperienced using a drawing tablet, I haven't used one properly since College. So forgive me :) I have however been playing about with the colours of this one. And as I'm taking a break anyway, I need feedback. Which colour combination do you prefer?

I originally wanted her with the pink hair theme, but somewhere along the line I've began to love the blue. And I've been staring at my screen for a few hours, so I've no longer got a clue haha. Let me know what you guys think, and also if you have any tips or tutorials which may help me improve using a tablet?

Just a quick post today I realise, but I'm keeping you in the loop of what I'm up to, and it is the weekend. I hope you enjoy anyway.

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  1. AMAZING! I kind of the love the blue more, but that's because i'm in a mint/blue loving phase, but also really like how the pink hair contrasts with the blue on the top :) I've never drawn on a tablet and think I would be completely hopeless haha. But seriously Jemma, this is so so great, you should be proud :D x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |

  2. I like both of them but if I had to pick a favourite it would be the pink one! I love pink hair and think it looks super pretty!

    Emma |

  3. Wow you are really talented! These are so good.

  4. These are amazing! I do not have an artistic bone in my body but I'm just blown away by these! I love the blue one, it's my favourite :)

    Dani | KaBOOM! Cosmetics

  5. Wow this is so cool! They both look good, but I think the pink one has more warmer tones to it so I feel more drawn to that, although the blue hair looks so cool!
    Good on ya using a tablet, I tried as part of my project at Uni a year ago and I could not get the hang of it but you look like you know what you are doing :D


  6. I love them both, you're so talented! I think the blue is my favourite though x

  7. I absolutely love them!!!!! Definitely talented!

  8. I really like your doodles!!!
    Jade x


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