
I'm not one to do negative posts as I want my blog to be my super happy place, but this one might get a little iffy to be honest. I'm generally a nice person I think, and I do tend to err on the side of caution when it comes to voicing my opinion in most situations. I mean, even if I'm just trying out a new beauty product, of all unimportant things; I try to find a positive in it. Because if it's all just negative bullshit, then why bother immersing myself in it and writing a post about it at all? I'd much rather focus on the good in life.

That being said, I know life isn't all rainbows and sunshine, and people can't be expected to be that way either. Hence this post being published at all. Lately in blogging land, I've had an experience with certain people being very opinionated towards me/my actions, to the point it could be deemed alienating. And I've watched them act this way with one or two other people as well over time. I realise that we all have opinions, and we are all quite within our rights to voice them if we so wish. In fact I encourage this as a blogger. If we cannot express ourselves through blogging, then when? However, I do think there's something to be said about how we voice these opinions. You can totally 100% disagree with someone and tell them this, and why. But you can do so without it becoming hostile, or appearing like you are belittling their opinion. Surely most people understand manners and some social etiquette? 

Before you all think I sound like an over sensitive fool, please let me give a fantastic example. I can name a blogger who regularly voices strong opinions on issues regarding bloggers/blogging through a variety of ways. Whether it be through Twitter or a dedicated blog post, Hayley from Tea Party Beauty often voices her opinions on a plethora of subjects, and does so even if people are disagreeing with her, or she them. I absolutely love Hayley's blog, and her Wittering Wednesday series is worth a read through. The reason I name her is because she is a fantastic example of a blogger who is never afraid to say how she feels on something, but does so with a little bit of class. She doesn't belittle anyone, force her opinion around all of Twitter, or become hostile the minute you disagree. (Well I've never once seen this anyway..) She does however invite you to leave your opinions, whether opposing or not, into these discussions. She isn't afraid to write whatever she feels, but explains why she feels that way to back it up, and isn't hostile about it. In fact, I think I've disagreed with one or two things she may have voiced at some point, but so what? She always has my respect because she's voiced what she honestly believes, and does so without being a bitch basically.

Personally I think there are a few people who could do to be a little more like this. I've seen a friend of mine also feel a little 'attacked' by someone on Twitter recently for having a totally different opinion to them. And to be honest.. I don't blame them. A little bit of tact goes a long way, and they could have made it a discussion rather than a hostile opposing tweet.

Anyway, in the spirit of the subject I invite you all to leave your opinions on this. Is it better to be a little nice sometimes? Can you voice your opinion without getting hostile? Do you just generally try shy away from this stuff sometimes? Or do you believe being nice is a waste of time in blogging?

Thanks to anyone who bothers to read my ramble today, I really appreciate it. Sorry I won't be naming names, and sorry it was a negative one! I'll be back to my happy posts immediately, promise! 


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  1. That's really horrible that you've experienced this and be made to feel this way on twitter. I definitely agree there is a way to express opinions and it should be in a nice respectful manner. If you express your opinion loudly you have to be willing to accept that other people out there might not agree with you and that should be totally fine because that is their opinion… Anyway don't let people like that get to you x

    Beauty with charm

    1. I just got a little annoyed because it was about a subject that's so personal and important to me and it was 'poked at' in a way.. I won't go into it because I don't want this to be overly negative. I just wanted to see what others thought and hope that many would use a bit of tact even if they don't agree with someone.
      Thanks for reading this Alina I really appreciate it! <3


  2. To be honest, I think you did this post in a very positive way haha. Well as positive as possible.
    You know my opinion ;) and I'm obviously the type to shy away so will say no more.

    Love you for writing this!! xo

    1. Oh good! I didn't want it to be really moany! :) I just wondered what others thought and wanted to express how I felt.
      That's fine Danielle, you know I heart you ^__^ But thank you for reading this little.. rant? haha :D xx

  3. dont let anyone bring you down from what you want.
    you have a really nice blog, its so inspiring :)

    - www.angelaah91.blogspot.nl

    1. You are an angel for saying so, thank you! <3 I really mean that :)

  4. I was looking forward to seeing what your rant was about haha and I'm pleased as it was worth it, I can't believe people in blogging are really like that? that's awful! Sorry you've had to experience that.
    I agree that people need to have some tact in the way they voice their response to something like those blogs or videos or tweets. When people do those things and then ask for others to share their opinions I get that people can be very passionate on a topic but there is definitely a way to approach it, like in youtubers videos, they have a comment box which I imagine people SHOULD use for giving praise, offering suggestions or constructive criticism. Like you say its not all sunshine and rainbows but people should use their words carefully, if someone was to kick off at me on my blog or twitter and say something rude or hurtful etc, I'd either not respond or respond tactfully, because at the end of the day, the way you handle these things speaks alot too and also if some random is hurling abuse at you and you handle the response with grace and dignity, those that follow both you and them will just look at that person and think "what a dick" and you'll come out on top, but that's my opinion on it anyway haha!


    1. Thank you so much for your feedback Kate!
      I'm 10000% for people being honest and the freedom to totally express how you feel. But I say have a bit of tact when you are directly aiming those opinions at others who disagree.

      You do not need to be so hostile. It doesn't help you get your point across.

      :) x

  5. Such a great topic, it's seems so silly as our blogs are there to give our own views on anything that we like, we know when we are writing these that not everyone will agree with your view, and lets face it if we all agreed it would be a boring world. But the thing I can't stand is others hating on you for that view or just trying to force their view done your throat. Sorry to hear that you have felt this way as you seem such a lovely person and your posts are mainly upbeat.
    Hope you are okay after all this :)

    Pams Stuff and Things

    1. Aww thanks Pam - I do try to keep it upbeat, but I think I needed to vent what I felt. Appreciate you reading! xx

  6. Wouldn't it be boring if we all had the same views and opinions?
    That's why I love blogging and self-expression.
    Ignore the hostile people.
    I have the utmost respect for those who can disagree in a positive manner.


    1. I couldn't have worded this better, thank you!

  7. I agree with what you are saying,everyone is entitled to express their opinion but really should be tactful about it and respect the opinion of others.If they do not have that respect and go all defensive as meaning that what they think is right and everyone else is wrong,it is rather sad to think that they think that they are all high and mighty and above the rest of us.Unfortunately there are people like that out there but thank God it is only a minority as the blogging community in general is so supportive of eachother.No need to be hostile but as i said,some people are like that unfortunately.I am always with you Jemma,dont mind these negative opinionated and disrespectful people,maybe better to ignore them all together as we wont be able to change them xxxx

    1. Hollie you are so sweet, thank you so much for reading and giving your thoughts. I totally agree I wish people could think a little more about having some tact. That's not saying people need to agree or be nice, but you can be respectful :)

  8. Sometimes, people suck and whether or not they have differing opinions, they should - like you said - use some tact so as not to appear hostile. The world can see what you write on twitter, and how you react to people so it's easy for people to see this person being this way and i know you have a lot of people that loooove you so chin up :)

    Great post, worth the read :)

    Much Love!


    1. THANK YOU! <3 This really made me smile, you're so sweet.

  9. you have every right to voice this and I have seen a few other people post about negative comments, I was reading Zoellas post and its such a shame that people are putting so much heart and soul to have people pointlessly try and hurt them. whats the point and sometimes its good to hear the other side but like you said in a classy friendly way. Let's hope people hear what everyone is saying and change their ways!

    1. Thanks Lauz! I know I seen her post after mine and I was like, this is so appropriate right now!! It couldn't have been better timing. People seem to think it's okay to be assholes because they're on the internet, but when they make personal assumptions about me it reeeeeeally gets to me.
      Trying to get back to a positive Jemma though! :) haha

  10. So sorry to hear you've been treated this way. Try not to let them get to you and stay positive :)


  11. I never understand why people do this and it upsets me that some people are ruining the blogging community like this.

  12. I always try to go with the motto "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Now that doesn't mean I don't disagree with people or voice an opposing opinion. I think in a grown up world, it means if you can't say something in a constructive and for lack of a better word, a tactful way then you should just keep it to yourself until you can converse like an adult should. I think being on the internet has helped me become a little thick skinned, people don't really get to me much anymore. I try to remember the way in which they converse with others says more about them than it does about me and my opinions.

    Sara Bloo xo


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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