Winter Comforts

So I know it's probably not officially Winter yet. But it's the end of November and we're getting there! Where did the year go?! I'm a terrible last minute shopper and you can always guarantee I'm rushing around like crazy come Christmas week. And now that I'm in the middle of moving home, things are even more stressy. Despite that though, I love Winter! It's my second favourite season and has so much about it that makes me smile like a dork :)

To kick off this season of festivities, I decided to concentrate on all the great things about Winter that I love. Maybe you guys love some of these too, let me know!

The Cold - This is probably the one that a lot of people will disagree with. Now I'm not saying I love it when my tootsies feel frostbitten, but there's a certain comfort in the weather taking a sharp turn for the icier. It means extra layers wherever you go; blankets, scarves, cute bobble hats, mittens. These are special little loves we get to enjoy at the coldest time of year and personally I love it. It's a great excuse for extra cuddles too! (Whether from a partner, pet or teddy bear!) So I embrace the rosy cheeks and dry lips look...

The Beverages - Pumpkin Spice Latte anyone? White hot chocolate? Gingerbread latte? You know the drill. Those sneaky coffee shops get us every time with their once a year drinks that seem a little extra special to us. But really any hot drink is welcome, and makes Winter all the cosier for it. 

Sunrises - In the Summer the sunrise happens unbelievably early, much too early for a late sleeper like myself. However in the dead of Winter that big, bright thing doesn't rise until a little later in the morning, giving a chance to lazy mortals like myself to witness it. Sometimes a beautiful pastel explosion of reds, pinks and oranges - expect plenty of Instagram photos. And who can blame us? It's amazing!

Dark Nights - After we've gotten over that beautiful sunrise, we usually have around five or six hours before it's starting to go dark again anyway during Winter. And I love this! I'm definitely a night owl and darkness always makes things more interesting. I'm also at my most creative at night too, so I appreciate the extra hours of darkness.

Fashion - I am a lot more of a fan of Autumn/Winter fashion than anything Summer can offer. As a fan of my beloved little cardigan collection, nothing makes me happier than teaming them up with tights, boots and plenty of layers. I think we tend to see more prints such as tartan as well, and this just makes everything better, ..right?!

Makeup - Rest assured I'm a huge fan of a dark lip and smokey eye anytime of the year, but with Winter it feels as if we have the need to do it more than ever. Some people go all out; their hair gets darker, their nails, all their makeup. I've done this myself before, and it's wonderful. Almost like you're going in a 'cocoon' for the season.

Movies - I know with the internet we can basically watch whatever we want, whenever we want. But there's still always gonna be something exciting about turning on the TV and finding out that Home Alone is on as it's getting nearer to December 25th. These special Winter movies bring me straight back to my childhood; sitting in front of the fire and getting beyond excited for Christmas. Do you have a favourite festive movie?

Snow - Ahh that beloved, magical stuff that brings everything to a halt. I know sometimes we can get sick of it after too long trudging though it for weeks, but there is still something thrilling about seeing that first snow fall (if we're lucky enough to get it!). I can remember back to my school days, where you can bet your bottom dollar that if someone yelled, 'SNOW!', everyone stopped what they were doing. Everything transforms from that moment on. Trains and buses stop their services, people get sent home from school/work, and you officially feel you've gotten a day off. Even if you work from home anyway. It's brilliant.

What are your favourite things about Winter? Or do you just wish Summer would hurry up back around? Let me know :)
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  1. might have convinced me that winter isn't as bad as it first makes out! I do love getting all snuggly in my layers, hats and gloves! I can never say no to a steaming cup of tea or hot chocolate and have had a few over the last few weeks! haha! I never really thought of the fashion and makeup until I started my blog and now I'm all about trying to be comfy and looking nice too with a berry lip! I've been watching Christmas movies since late October! LOL!!

    I will never like snow! :P xx

  2. This post made me feel super excited for Winter! I'm definitely with you on the beverages and there is really is something about going on a cold walk and then returning home & having warm, comforting food :D

    Style Sunrise ☀


  3. Such a lovely post, I am definitely more excite about winter after reading this. I am with you on the hot beverages so nice this time of year and fashion/makeup I love more then the summer (not only because it stays on your face without melting off but because I just love the shades) and the best part cosy nights in with movies, comfort food and loads of candles x

    Beauty with charm

  4. I'm a secret lover of the cold weather too which people chastise me for as I'm half-Jamaican and apparently this means I should love Winter. But my wardrobe is so much better in the cold months! And it's not just festive films that are great, all the films that are ready for the Oscars early next year start to come out now so the cinema is rocking it!
    Cx / Bloglovin

  5. Love this as I am so obsessed with winter and the cold as well! The nice cozy layers along with early nights and snuggling on the couch, Christmas decorations and warm drinks, ah all my fave! x

    Jasmin Charlotte | UK Lifestyle Blog

  6. Great post!!! Can't wait for the Holidays now ❤

  7. I just love the cold too! its duvet and pumpkin spice weather! just love it :)
    I am a massive fan of winter makeup with the darker lipsticks and sparkly eye shadows!

    Melissa || x x

  8. I Just Love your blog so much!!! Lovely Post!

  9. I love this, winter is my favourite, I really like the cold and the fashion is definitely better!

    Bethan Likes

  10. even though i absolutely hate the cold, tho post makes it sound appealing

  11. I love this post, I'm sucha winter bunny ! My favourite thing about winter is how busy the shops are as it makes me so buzzing for christmas :) xxxx

  12. I am 10x more excited for winter now after reading this:)) You're right though, everything you said really are the comforts of winter x

  13. Home Alone is the best Christmas movie ever! It's my favorite! Also I can't wait to experience snow this December.
    Jade x

  14. Thoroughly enjoyed this post (and discovering your blog). I have been drafting something similar - Home Alone is one of my fave Christmas movies... and I also love Muppet Christmas Carol :) xx

  15. Although there are some parts of winter I love, I can't wait for summer to come back around :p I absolutely hate the dark nights and never know what to wear during autumn/winter (I get cold really easily and quickly so when I'm out I usually have about 7 layers on ahha). I do love Christmas movies though!! :) xx
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |

  16. This is such an awesome post. My favourite thing about winter is layering up with a hat, scarf and gloves and grabbing a hot drink to walk to uni with! :)

    Sarah / Sarah Smiles

  17. Great post as ever. I like you love the cold and the make up. Nothing like snuggling under a blanket or going out in a dark berry lip :)

    Pams Stuff and Things GIVEAWAY

  18. I actually love winter.. besides the annoying and crazy wind. The fashion is also very different.. I love layering down my clothes and wearing my long winter boots with my high knee socks. Not to mention, Starbucks always comes up with new, amazing flavors for their beverages :)


  19. Home Alone is definitely one of my favorite Christmas movies! Christmas Vacation and Love Actually are also up there.


  20. This is such a lovely post and just what I needed to read on this wintry evening! I agree with you 100% on each of the points too - Winter is one of those seasons which can get a bad rap because of the chill but I love it - there's something so pretty and still about it and the anticipation of Christmas makes it all the more exciting! - Tasha xxx

  21. agree with everything on this! - oh and those malteser reindeers (merryteasers) make winter a little more appealing too :')

    Beth / Bethany Georgina


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