The Top 3 Bloggers I could never hang out with

Bloggers, Vloggers, whichever they may be.
Here I have compiled a short list of the top three I could never in a million years hang out with.
But here's the thing. That sounds like I don't want to doesn't it? Well that simply isn't the case. I have nothing but good feelings about this bunch :)
Let me explain.
These are the guys and dolls who I find so fabulous, so hilarious and generally lovely, that they would intimidate the hell out of me! I'd be terrified of meeting them, so hanging out with them would cause a constant state of panic I'm sure.

So here we go..

1. Zoe Sugg
She's a very well known and much loved blogger because of her natural charm, honesty and sweetness. But when I first heard of Zoe I'll admit I wasn't that keen at first, and I feel horrible about that now! It wasn't anything about her personally, it was me being weird. She is so astoundingly pretty and always seems so lovely, I think I assumed it was an act. Of course after a few weeks of checking out her videos, reading her blog, following her on Instagram, I came to realise I'd made too quick a judgement. Of course as fans/readers/obsessive stalkers (lol jk), we only ever get to see snippets of this person's life, and only snippets they choose for us to see, so we never really know them. But I can honestly say what I've seen shows me this is a person sharing her life/experiences/thoughts in a totally real way & I'll admit, I've fallen a little bit in love with her. 
You can check out Zoe's blog here, with all her Youtube links and such.
2. Elise Blaha
Oh my gosh I dare you to visit Elise's blog here, and not be inspired. I found this blog a long time ago whilst randomly searching for cute crafts and diy posts, and I'm so happy I did!
Elise's blog shares her life with her husband and daughter, and showcases her craft work. She is constantly taking beautiful photographs, making something awesome I'd never have thought of or just writing about what she's been up to.
She has created her whole blog as a brand and a business, and upon visiting you really do feel like her blog shares her whole world with you. It's a beautiful place, and brings out creativity you never knew you had. So yeah, hanging out with Elise? Pfft. I'd trip over my words, feel nowhere near like I'm living life to the fullest and I'd probably take terrible Instagram photos that pale in comparison to hers. Seriously, her Instagram is lovely. Visit here.
3. Kate Gabrielle

Kate's blog is by far the prettiest of all the blogs I regularly visit. It caught my eye a few months ago because of how *super* girly it is and how beautiful she presents her life in photographs. Be warned though, you may leave with serious style envy. Oh and her cats? Yeah you'll love 'em.
Basically we could never hang out because I'd feel an ugly hot mess next to this girl. She's too perfect and her whole life is more put together than my playlist.
But you should definitely visit her blog, here. Trust me, its a beaut.
And there you have it.
There are obviously so many more bloggers out there that I adore, but these 3 are my ultimate inspiration and therefore the 3 I'd find most intimidating to meet! And if it hasn't been made clear already, I mean this as the highest of compliments!
Well done ladies. You've scared the sh*t out of me x
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  1. Omg this blogpost is so hilarious and so funny I can't even! I love it!

    1. Waah! This makes me so happy! ^_^ Thank you Carey! I was worried people would see it as a bad thing, when I meant it 1000% as a nice compliment :) So yay! xx

  2. aw thank you! And I swear, I'm a total complete mess too so we'd get along fine ;D

    1. Wahh! So excited, I feel like a little fangirl haha. Thanks so much for taking the time to read, I love your blog so much! xx

  3. Great post! I love finding new blogs to check out, thanks! xx

    1. You're so welcome! These three have amazing blogs! xx

  4. I love Zoe Sugg, how fun would it be to hang out with her. Plus, I kind of want her to do my hair for me, is that weird?

    S xo.

  5. I like reading Zoe's blog as well! Funny post xD

    Lenniebie xo

  6. I clicked on your post with caution as I was expecting negativity steered towards one of my favorite personalities--Zoe! I am so glad it didn't skip your post as I've now discovered 2 others to fall in love with that I haven't heard of before. You're so right! They are so inspiring.



Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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