Super Cute Book Page Printing

Today's post is a really easy DIY for making your own Art without having to spend a penny, yay!
I had some old books I wanted to get rid of, and before I donated them to the charity shop I wondered if there was anything else I could use one or two of them for. That's when I thought of printing on some of the pages. Obviously this has been done to death before, but I wanted to suggest it to people who may not have done it, or wanted a new way to 'spruce' up their drawings/etc.

Okay so first of all, find an old book or two, and carefully tear out a few select pages. I went for a book with yellowish pages, so give it a nice vintage feel. And don't worry if your edges aren't torn out perfectly straight, I mean you can cut it out precise with a craft knife if you wish, but personally I prefer ripping it myself and having that torn style down the side.
Okay so now you want to decide what images you want to use. I loved these illustrations done by Tabitha Emma and quickly changed the colours slightly and played about with them a little. I will be dong my own drawings and printing those in the future, but for now her beautiful work will do! A good tip is to try use an image with a white background, because otherwise that background will also print out too, and might not look great, (Or it might, what do I know!?).

Once you have adjusted your printer settings to the page size, or as near as you can, you're good to go! I'll be honest, I didn't get too specific here with mine, I just risked it and thought they turned out great.

My favourite is the bunny tea cup party!

You could use this method to print off photographs of friends & family, or use a page from a journal for the background; Anything really to personalise it a little more! And what a gorgeous present this would make! Or just frame these beauties for yourself :) I know I'll be doing both!

So what do you think? Will you be trying this?
Let me know your thoughts please, I love hearing from you!

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  1. They are wonderful! I love the bunny tea cup party best! It would be great in a frame.

    May attempt this later in summer :)

    1. Thanks Fiona! Good luck with your own! Xx

  2. I nominated you for a Liebster award! Check out the rules here:, it's a great way for your followers to find out more about you! :)

    Sarah x

  3. These look lovely- what a fab idea! :)

    Style Sunrise ☀


  4. This is so cute!! you should do a heap and sell them in cute little vintage-esqe frames!! <3 x

    1. Hadn't even thought of that! That would be awesome! I just might if I can find lovely frames :) xx

  5. I think I should buy a printer so that I can do this myself.....

  6. Great idea. It'd be a great gift to frame someones favorite book with a personalized design. My best friend is an actress and now I'm thinking about taking one of her favorite monologues... There are so many ways to take this idea! :)

  7. If I had a printer, I would be trying this! It's fab and I'm kicking myself bc I just chucked some books!

    Corinne x

    1. Aww maybe before your next haul! There's always something you can use old books for! :)

  8. Oooooh, I'm gonna try this, definitely! Looks so nice! Might even be a little inspired for my wedding invites! Thank you for the inspiration!!!

    Nin xx


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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