DIY Keys

Being a little bit creative and adding some colour can make your boring keys look less mundane, and only takes a few minutes. It's a super easy DIY idea that anyone can do :)

All you need is the keys you wish to funk up, and some nail varnish.
Okay so..

Step 1: Use tape to cover up the part you don't want coloured.

Step 2: Use the nail varnish to paint in the area you want filled. I recommend painting the brush away from the tape, as there is less chance of your straight line being ruined then.

Step 3: Wait for the polish to dry, then do the reverse side.

Step 4: Add a clear varnish over the top if you wish, and once dry, remove the tape.
Voila! Colourful keys so you never get them confused again.

Bonus points if you add polka dots or stripes!

Would you like me to do more super simple DIY posts?
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  1. I love this idea! I have too many keys on my key chain so this would be a great way to find the right key without the hassle!

    Natalie Ann xo // Petal Poppet Blogs ♥


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