Hey :)

Bonjour guys, hope this midweek post finds you all doing well. Admittedly, I'm having a really shitty day. But trying to carry on as normal helps, so here's today's post. I wanted to catch up with you guys in my usual chatty way, and let you know everything I've been up to, any changes, happy and bad!

So firstly, can we talk about my new layout? Well, technically, it's my old layout. I missed the three columns SO MUCH. I hated getting rid of the post slider at the top, as I thought that was really awesome; but overall I need three columns over here on Dorkface. As well as that, and perhaps most importantly; is my new header- YAY! I spend so much time designing headers for other people that I usually have no time for my own. Well, last night I made sure there was time, (okay I was up at 2am fixing it up, don't judge me). Its one of my own illustrations, right there top of the screen as soon as you visit my blog; and it just makes sense really. It screams everything Dorkface in my opinion; colourful, arty, unique - well, I hope. So yeah, I'm really happy with this. Some tiny bits still need altering whenever I get a chance, but overall it feels like 'me' again.

Secondly, check out my new bracelet; pictured above. This was made by the beautiful Tasmin! This babe was kind enough to make this personally for me and send along with the cutest letter ever. I've said before and I'll say it again; blogger friends are the best. She made me smile so much, and I'd love to return the favour. Pop over to her Etsy and make your own purchase? 

My new camera! YAY. Oh man it's amazing. If you didn't see this post, I bought the Olympus Pen cam everyone is banging on about lately, and I'm thrilled. I have an awesome camera for blog photography anyway, but this one is perfect for on the move, out and about... and vlogging! Yes. I've delved into the vlog world. However I'm only doing monthly vlogs, and it's more just a way of me collecting memories than vlogging for others really. However I'll update you all when my first video is up!

I also made the most amazing Halloween cupcakes. Look!

Also, yesterday an old friend managed to get in touch with me who I literally haven't spoke to in years! It was crazy and lovely. It's weird to see how life can change so much when you don't even realise it at the time. I feel really lucky thought that we managed to get back in touch, and weirdly enough it's thanks to this blog! Apparently they googled me and all my blog stuff came up, haha. So yay for internet.

Anyway, the rest of this week will be focusing on design work (as always) and trying to get ahead with blog posts! 

Are you all excited for Halloween? :)
Have a great day you gorgeous little raindrops!

p.s. I already feel better now than I did at the start of this post, blogging always helps!
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