Tips For A Great Night's Sleep

As you guys will probably be aware, this weekend the clocks go back for us in the UK; which means there's a whole extra hour there to make the most of. I'm not gonna lie to you, my first thought was SLEEP, all of the sleep! But that's probably due to me being totally exhausted right now. Still... it's not wasted time. Sleep deprivation can lead to major health problems in the long term, so it's a fab excuse to tuck yourself into bed for an extra hour or two.
I'm going to force myself to take it a little slower this weekend, and make sure I get a great night's sleep. Here are my top ways to help this along-
1. Get a great routine.
Make time to pamper yourself and really wind down before bedtime. So maybe a Lush bath, relaxing music and good book?
2. Make your bedroom a little slice of heaven.
Whatever this may mean to you, but make it relaxing. Cosy pillows, throws, fairy lights and decor. has a great range of new bedroom furniture at the moment which would be perfect.
3. Avoid technology.
I know, easier said than done right? I can't tell you the amount of times I take my laptop to bed, and then use my phone in bed too. The problem is, by doing this I'm not associating my bedroom with sleep/relaxation any more. I need to adjust this and put a ban on the technology, as it would drastically improve the amount of sleep I actually get!
4. Get the best damn pjs around.
Because there's nothing like feeling a little extra cute at bedtime is there?! Primark always trumps the pj party, and I thoroughly recommend the My Little Pony ones which I have myself.
Victoria Plum have such a brilliant range of everything you need for the perfect bedroom, and shaking up your sleep chambers. Pop over and visit them if you'd like to see.
In the meantime, get some sleep homies!
*Post in collaboration with All views my own.
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