Friday Five 12#

Five things I want to do for Halloween;

1. Watch all the Halloween movies (as in the Michael Myers ones).

2. Get a bit sloshed.

3. Record a Halloween podcast (maybe with number 2).

4. At least do dramatic and crazy makeup if I'm not dressing up.

5. Try to dress up the cat without her ripping my face off (doubtful).

Five things I simply have to get done today;

1. Custom designs.

2. Tidying the flat.

3. Taking blog photographs.

4. Social media work for clients.

5. Plan a friends birthday gift.

Five aims I have for this blog;

1. To make it relatable and always be brutally honest.

2. To inspire and motivate people to follow their dreams.

3. To question the norm.

4. To express myself constantly.

5. To sometimes make people laugh.

Five blog posts coming up in the next week or so (spoiler alert);

1. A beauty review of a palette I really like.

2. Halloween baking.

3. Tips on making your mornings count.

4. An adorable photo DIY (hopefully if I have the time, although this might have to be next week!).

5. Another Friday Five duuuhhh.

Five blogs that I love which post some pretty good shit;


Have a great weekend guys!

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