
Hello lovelies! Happy first of the month, this year is going too fast, blah blah blah and all that malarkey! I hope January treated you well, and 2016 is looking good already for you.

This month looks to be a fun one for me; I'm about to begin planning the very first event for #TheGirlGang (and my first event ever, eek!) which will be coming in the Summer. I'm booked in to get more tattoos FINALLY! And I have lots of lovely projects under way, which you'll hear more of very soon. So yeah, February looks good! As much as I love Winter, I'm also excited to start creeping closer to Spring too; it's been very hard photographing things with such dark days and no 'proper' lighting equipment! Hopefully I'll be buying myself some lighting soon though, I keep meaning to.

I have a few goals for this month I'd love to achieve too. For example, continuing to go the gym at least 3 times a week - I slacked last week as I had SO MUCH to do. Seriously, no excuses, I just couldn't find the time without stressing about work. So yeah, getting back on track there. 

I'm also planning on making sure my blog posts are super creative too - more DIY themed ones, creative makeup looks I want to try out, sharing my artwork more often. These are the sort of posts that take AGES, but make me the happiest. So I definitely want more of them in February. 

And my final goal for this month will be to make some time for myself. Did you know my last proper 'day off' was Christmas day? Seriously. I work at least 12-16 hours everyday and try to pack in as much work as possible, to make ends meet. However it's so important to have that down time too; where the only priority is what book to read next, or how many episodes of How I Met Your Mother I should binge through (again). So even if it's just one day every week or two - I need a day off! I've already packed in so much work for this month, it's really going to be a challenge. So my plan is to absolutely hammer work this next week, get totally ahead of schedule, and use that time for myself. This is doable, right?!

Throughout all this planning and heavy work schedule, I've found myself SO grateful for Hayley's Blog Domination Planner. You know Hayley right? Her blog can be found here. Anyway, she recently created an immense planner with everything you could ever need for the ultimate blog organisation, and it's a god send! I wanted to give a little shout out because I'm so proud of her, and it genuinely is something I recommend you all buy. THIS ISN'T EVEN SPON I'M JUST SO BLOOMIN' THRILLED FOR HER. Lol. Go buy here.

Anyway, I'm off now to make myself a cuppa, bash through some design work, and maybe finally give in and wash my hair (No, YOU'VE not washed your hair in 4 days). Ahem...

Have a great week/month guys!

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