Friday Five 13

notebook desk fairy lights candle

Happy Friday! And bonus points to you if any of you guys noticed that I didn't do a FF post last week, eep! I was so busy and caught up with design work that I just genuinely couldn't fit it into my schedule. Hopefully you're all glad it's swiftly come back this week... just in time for a spooky Halloween edition! Sort of. 

Anyway, yay! Here's this weeks five things...

Five Fave Halloween Movies;

1. The 'Halloween' series; Michael Myers is the BEST. Jamie is the Scream Queen.
2. The Addams Family - My fave creepy family.
3. Scream - I do love these movies so much! Neve Campbell kicking ass YES.
4. Hocus Pocus - I PUT A SPELL ON YOUUUU.
5. Casper

Five Previous Costumes I've Had;

1. Zombie Bride (my fave).
2. Cat (I think this one is like a must for every girl at some point).
3. Fairy.
4. Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.
5. Zombie doll.

Five Things I'm Doing This Year;

1. Staying in.
2. Having a huge movie marathon.
4. Buying/baking every type of Halloween treat I can.
5. Running around with a broom and trying to get Luna to be my 'familiar'.

Five Reasons I Love Halloween So Much;

1. Even though I'm staying in this year, there's always an excitement leading up to it.
2. I love to dress up! I love it any time of the year, but Halloween is a great excuse.
3. You can get away with waaaay more dramatic makeup than usual.
4. I love scary movies, spooky movies and movies just generally about Halloween.
5. Excuse for ALL THE SWEETS.

Five blogs you should totally haunt;



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  1. Thanks so much for the shout out! Love the sound of your cosy night in! And Halloween isn't the same without Hocus Pocus!

  2. Hocus Pocus is the best! I used to watch it every Halloween on Nickelodeon with my brother before we went out trick or treating.


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