Friday Five #11

It's Friday :] You guys know what that means by now, right?

*Handmade card available here.

Five happy things from the past week;

1. Winning two awards! (Obviously that was top of the list!)
2. Getting quite a few Etsy orders, meaning I was able to pay extra off some bills (Boring, but so helpful).
3. Meeting people I've admired online for so long.
4. Buying the first Christmas decorations for this year.. hehe.
5. Baking cupcakes - I'm a terrible baker but they turned out great!

Five random but very real questions I have for the world;

1. Who the hell thought group interviews were ever a good idea?
2. Is twerking still a thing?
3. Will I ever be a tidy person?
4. Why haven't our teeth evolved yet to be indestructible??!
5. What are you all doing for Halloween? I really wanna know!

Five favourite Disney characters;

1. Ariel (always).
2. Sleeping Beauty, Aurora.
3. Boo.
4. Belle.
5. Maleficent.

Five reasons starting a blog has been amazing;

1. It's given me confidence.
2. It's made me some amazing friends.
3. It's rekindled my creative side.
4. It's now a huge record of my life basically, which I can look back on.
5. It's given me a new job, and I'm so much happier.

Five blogs I'd like you guys to read this weekend (homework! haha);


Have a great weekend guys!
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