Friday Faves

So I've decided to do a Friday Faves list! Hopefully I'll remember to do this most Fridays, but don't be shocked if it isn't every single week. I don't want to create a list just for the sake of it and not have a real passion for what I'm writing about. I'll only ever do a Friday Faves list for things I really wana share, write about or I think may be fun :) So here we go!

Best Female Movie Characters

Yes, there are flaws to this list, and you may not agree with my choices. But these are just a little list of some of my favourite female movie characters, who I think deserve a mention; not in any particular order.

1. Amelie Poulain - 'Amelie'.
Love-able and whimsical do-gooder whose naivety charms you from the first moment on screen. An innocent girl in Paris sets out to help the people around her, and ends up falling in love. A beautifully written character with quirky traits you cannot help but admire.

2. Clementine Kruczynski - 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind'.
Probably one of my all time favourites. Clementine is a combination of strange, impulsive and free spirited. She represents a strong female, confident in her sense of self. Her impulsiveness is something to be admired, even if it doesn't always turn out great.

3. Enid - 'Ghost World'.
A teenage outsider whose wardrobe and hair styles I cannot help but envy. Hers is a refreshing tale of teenage voyage into adulthood. Her cynical ways and witty remarks leave me wanting more. I haven't read the comic the film was based upon unfortunately, but let me know how the character compares if you have? Personally I relate to her and sometimes feel sorry for her, but will always adore Enid.

4. Katniss Everdeen - 'The Hunger Games'.
Love or hate The Hunger Games films, you have to acknowledge the popularity of this character. I myself included am a real fan of the books/movies, and I love Katniss. Her character is strong, stubborn and skilled. I love whenever you see female characters who rely on only themselves, and Katniss fits the bill.

5. Lisbeth Salander - 'The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo'.
I've read the books too many times to count, and seen both the Swedish and American versions of the films. I actually love both and recommend you do try the Swedish versions if you aren't put off by subtitles. If I had to choose though, I'd say Rooney Mara was my personal favourite playing Lisbeth. Lisbeth is anti-social, independent, gifted, introverted and often hostile. I find it empowering to see such a strong, unconventional female character who is so compelling you cannot help but root for her. She brings out the feminist that should be in all of us. She is the ultimate Antiheroine. Yes, I love her wholeheartedly!

What do you guys think? Any characters on this list you love/hate? Who else do you think deserves a mention? Let me know in the comments!

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  1. I love Amelie as number one. I remember loving this movie when I was 14 and none of my friends could understand why. She's a wonderful character, perfect for the story x

  2. She's such a treasure, I love her! And it's such a sweet story :) x


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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