New Healthier Lifestyle Habits

I've recently been looking through my goals for 2016, that I wrote down at the start of the year. One of them was to start living a healthier life, and as hard as it can be, it's really important to me. I struggle so much with making healthy life changes, so I've been working towards taking small steps rather than one big change suddenly.

I thought I'd share with you guys some of those small steps today, in case any of you have the same goals! :)

1. I've taken up yoga as part of my day to day activities, and I've felt myself becoming stronger and more flexible. I couldn't believe how hard it was when I first started, I thought it'd just be some light stretching (silly Jemma), but it really pushes your body and I've found the challenge really fun actually. I enjoy it because I can do it from home at any time, and go at my own pace. All you need is a yoga mat and a guide. I actually started using the Wii Fit Yoga game, which was awesome. And now I also find videos on Youtube to try out different things.

2. Drinking more water was a huge one for me, even though it sounds simple. I drink way too many sugary drinks, and trying to cut that down has been hard. It's going really well though! I downloaded a water reminder app on my phone to keep me in check, and I try to replace sugary drinks with green tea when I need something different. I've noticed in the past few weeks my skin is looking a lot healthier too - so it's probably down to this!

3. The importance of Collagen in women has become more and more apparent to me, since chatting to a friend who adds Collagen powder to juice once a day. To be honest I was a little clueless on it until I chatted with her and she explained why it was important. Collagen in the body helps retain moisture, firmness and smoothness of the skin, as well as improving circulation. A lot of beauty products boast about using Collagen in their ingredients, but internal use is so much more beneficial. Different companies provide collagen powder, such as Hellenia which offer the best collagen powder in different flavoursIf I use the powder packs to add to my drinks, this is another way to get some goodness in me rather than having bad drinks!

4. Getting more sleep is so so important, and thankfully this is something I'm slower getting better at. But there's no denying my sleep schedule is still crazy messed up! I've started setting alarms for myself not only in the mornings, but also at night to remind me it's time to start winding down for bed!

What steps do you guys take to live a healthier lifestyle? I'd love to know!

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*Post in collaboration with Hellenia. All views my own.
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