2016 Blog Goals Update

blog goals

I'm a very goal orientated person, which I've spoken about before in a previous post. Goals keep me inspired, motivated and on the right track. So 2016 started with me writing down everything I wanted to achieve this year, and there were a few blogging goals in there, of course.

Mainly they were about trying to hit certain statistics, or try new things - and most of them have been really successful which I'm thankful for. There are some I'm still working on too which is great, and there are even some I changed my mind about. For the record, it's okay to do this! Reassessing what you want is a good thing, and changing your mind is more than alright.

Today I wanted to share with you guys some of my goals for the rest of the year, and the little steps I'm going to take, to hopefully achieve them.

Hit 15,000 on Twitter - This one seems crazy to me. But if my Twitter continues to grow at the same pace as it has been the past few months, then it should be doable! *Fingers crossed*. My Twitter grows best through scheduling tweets everyday, taking part in chats and interacting a lot on there; so more of that!

More DIY posts - I haven't done one in ages, and I hate this! DIY or creative type posts are my absolute fave, so I hope to make them more of a regular feature on this blog. I'm hoping to have a minimum of one a month, and I have one scheduled for tomorrow, YAY! So be sure to visit back to see it. I'm making sure to keep on top of this by checking Pinterest for inspiration and planning ahead!

Keep it personal - One of my favourite things about blogging is sharing little snippets of my life, what I've been up to, random photos, etc. Sometimes I hold back though as I worry nobody will care about these type of posts, but I enjoy them so much that I'm going to make them a priority anyway. I'm going to try stick to this by taking random photos everyday and making notes of what I'm doing in my journal.

Branch out - I hope to try some blog posts that I don't usually do over here, so this could get scary for me. Fashion posts (arghh!), travel type posts, bar and restaurant reviews, and book reviews. They'll all be making more appearances around here hopefully. I've already planned on visiting some local places around Liverpool I'd like to feature on here, and I'll try to remember to make notes about the books I'm reading! The fashion one terrifies me... so we'll see how that goes.

Hit 4000 on Bloglovin - This one is probably impossible. But hell, why not? I need things to aim for, even if they seem too far from reach. I'm currently around 800 away..  so I'd need to hit over 100 new followers each month. That's really high... wish me luck? Haha.

I hope I do well with these goals for the rest of the year, so keep your fingers crossed for me? Haha.
What goals are you guys working towards?

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