Happy Things


This month has definitely been one of the most hectic of year for me... maybe the most hectic ever?! And I'm including when I was at Uni and I got super stressed out and left and never went back. So yeah, it's fair to say November has been non stop! However, it's not a bad thing. It's had it's fair share of moments where I had a little panic I couldn't keep up with everything, but then I soon got over it. I mean, right now it's 5:30am and I've been up all night working. I have actually slept less than 6 hours in two days. But you know what? I'm in a good mood. Here are some reasons why...

Blogging Babes Of November

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm quite an indulgent person, whether good or bad; in a lot of ways. I can never resist chocolate, I have to binge watch shows on Netflix when I discover new ones, and I become obsessed with things that might simply be a hobby for someone else (blogging, for example). I indulge in every aspect of my life, and I like getting lost in something I love.

Which I think is the reason why I love doing my Blog Advertisers posts for the month. These are people whose blogs I've stalked and promoted all month, and always found something about them I love for myself. Whether it's a fantastic personality that radiates across a computer screen, or a blog that inspires me to do something different; I love reading blogs, and being able to tell you all about the ones I've been lucky enough to have in my sidebar for the month. So I hope you guys are just as excited for today's, and give these guys some love!

Girl Gang: All The Full Details

girl gang notebook


That's pretty much my response to my recent blog post about wanting to start a #TheGirlGang ! I never in a million years expected it to get such a huge response so quickly, and with such opportunities. I felt I HAD to get things rolling quickly, to keep up with it, and that I have to do this second post so that I have one full complete post with ALL the details you guys will need.
Okay so if you haven't already, go and read this post, as it'll explain the premise behind this idea. I want to create a special part of the blogging community; that will look out for each other, support and send encouragement wherever we can. Spreading some real joy throughout the blogging world.

So what specific things will happen with the Girl Gang?
I will share a newsletter updating you all on giveaways, creative challenges, showing love to specific members (all about that blog love!), scheduling Twitter chats, possible future events, merchandise (yes I'm going to make sure we have badges, patches or something pretty as a token!) and EVEN A BLOG AWARD. Yes that's right, I'm teaming up with Hayley who has kindly allowed a new award for 2016 to be added to the categories - BEST GIRL GANG MEMBER. And the extra amazing part? I get to choose the winner. It'll be open to absolutely anyone, whether a professional blogger, or a brand new blogger! Old/young/beauty/fashion/lifestyle/creative/travel - whatever! It doesn't matter. What does matter is their encouragement and support throughout the blogging community. I'll be looking for people who are always spreading good vibes, and who uphold the Girl Gang message!

So who can join?

Anyone! Girls, boys, whatever gender you identify with is always welcome!
I only ask that you share the button provided in some way if possible (sidebars on blogs are a great way to do this!), and you try to help me make this gang a POSITIVE one! We're all here to support each other.

£1 Jewellery Deals For Black Friday

I feel like this title says it all really doesn't it?! Christmas is only a month away (29 days to be exact) and the fact that you can now buy beautiful unique pieces from Jewellery Box for JUST £1 is such a help. We all have mums, sisters, friends, colleagues to buy for that are sometimes so tricky, and it can be maddening.
The lovely folk over at Jewellery Box have now got £1 offers on some amazing little pieces you guys need to be taking advantage of! These six pieces are their chosen favourites of the moment, and include earrings and adorable little charms to add to a bracelet (mine already looks super cute!).
Jewellery Box are now known for their one of a kind pieces and putting the most wonderful details in to their unique selection, so I think it's safe to say you can find something for almost anyone.
Also, JB will be also taking part in Black Friday deals in their pop up shop in London (which is there until the 28th December by the way).
Let me know if you're going to be taking advantage of these deals, and who for! (Even if it is for yourself, hehe) :)
Have a great day guys!
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Wanna Be In My Gang?

Please feel free to play Cyndi Lauper's 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' at a good level while reading this blog post, because it's about to get feminine up in huuuuurrrr.
Okay shut up Jemma.

I've started a a bloggers girl gang!

It started out as a cute doodle, and then developed into a fully forming idea taking over my brain. There's always room for some more positivity in this bloggosphere and I'd love to contribute to that in some way. Enter our girl gang, The idea is that you can take this cute button below, and display it on your blog.


If you display it on your blog, it's your way of telling everyone you're a member and you're sticking to a small and fun set of rules. The rules are as follows;
1. You promise to spread joy, kindness and positivity in the blogging community whenever you can.
2. You believe in celebrating diversity.
3. You recognise that you are absolutely beautiful, and awesome.
...and that's it! Yay. Not bad eh? So when you see someone with this button, you know they're a fellow member. You know this is a lovely little addition to the blogging world, and they're a supportive member.
And finally, WHY SHOULD YOU?
Two reasons here. 
1. There's always gossip, negativity, bad feelings, some sort of bitchiness going around unfortunately; but I genuinely believe taking small steps like this makes a huge difference - and I would love more and more people to take part in trying to overcome that.
2. Freebies! I'll be creating wallpapers, graphics, and possibly even a future zine for members! I'll do anything I can to show you support and make things fun however I can :)
I really hope a lot of you get involved, take the button, and spread this lovely idea :) Be in my gang, and we'll make this blogging land a little more positive I think...

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girl photograph pose
Today I wanted to talk about confidence; on how you can have it in great, big generous amounts in some areas of your life, but in the most minuscule of amounts in others. Sit me down with a drawing tablet, or a bunch of paints and I'm almost completely confident in myself. I know I can create something I'm happy with, from nothing. I can use my imagination and skills to put together a whole new creation and feel proud of what I come up with, enough to want to show it off - even if I know it won't be to everyone's taste. That's the thing with confidence, you're not expecting everyone else to like you, or whatever you're confident in. You're just happy with it enough for yourself.

girl photograph pose

The Ultimate Stocking Filler Gift Guide

Guys, I've officially started Christmas. This is it now, I'm in full on festive mode; gift buying, blog post planning, christmas songs on, cards being drawn/bought. I'm really happy about this, I don't think I've ever been this festive since I was a little girl. I've been planning and putting together a plan for gift guides this year, and I think I've really got it down to the things I'd find most useful/lovely for those people who you need a little more help with. I'm breaking this up into three parts, spread out between now and the big day, so be sure to keep an eye out! So here I decided to start with some goodies I think are worth considering for your stockings this year!

christmas holly gift

First up we have AMAZING Mud Marvels Mask from Merumaya which I've been absolutely loving lately. Whenever I need an instant pick me up for my skin, especially when I'm in the mood for a real pamper sesh; I've turned to this product. This stuff is powered by activated charcoal and volcanic ash to deeply cleanse and detoxify skin. Think of it as a way of totally rejuvenating your skin, without it being stripped bare or too harsh. This is a total pleasure to use and I've seen a brighter complexion because of it. Who wouldn't want this? If you pop this in the stocking of any beauty lover, they'll be a happy bunny I'm sure. Get yours here.
Next up is the wonderfully kitschy jewellery from GlitzBlizzard. Zeynep runs her own little online shop selling the quirkiest and most unique jewellery you could ask for. I'm sure it's obvious upon looking at these, that they are very much MY kind of style of you guys are familiar with that by now :) I absolutely love anything glittery and cute, and some of her pieces actually make me feel like a teen again - because I was obsessed with collection unique pieces of quirky jewellery. I had a huuuge collection and I can't help but feel all nostalgic with GlitzBlizzard. Supporting small business is really important to me, and I think adding these into some stockings this year for anyone who loves jewellery with personality is a winner!

20 Ways To Spread A Little Joy

20 ways to spread joy

Sometimes even the smallest act of kindness can make a big difference to someone, and so today I thought I would make a list of twenty ways you can spread joy to another. Whether it's something small and silly to bring a laugh, or important and significant; do something today that will make someone smile. I guarantee you won't regret it.

1. Send a text to a friend telling them you miss them.

2. Comment on another blogger's recent post.

3. Write a letter to your mum.

4. Compliment a stranger.

5. Donate clothing/books/belongings you don't want/need.

Dead Of Night.

With skin on skin, and lights flashing through the night
she turns inside and and tries not to fight
she doesn't dare to breathe, the evening stands still
hold on before the moment is killed.

Say goodbye to an old past love
the longing is never going to be enough
a tightly moulded version takes over now
there's a way to get through this but I'm not sure how.

Remembering you in the dead of night
watching my darkness turn into light.

Friday Five 14

phone desk

Hello and happy Friday to you all! :) I hope you've had a lovely week filled with glitter, laughs and all things pretty. I accidentally missed a week or two of Friday Fives; oops! But please forgive me as I was working on some other awesome content at the time, and sometimes you can't do it all - as I've learned the hard way!

Anyway, I hope you guys still enjoy my Friday Five posts, as I love doing them! 
Here's this week's bunch...

Five things I've been known to say a lot;

1. Fuck.
2. I need coffee.
3. I could die tomorrow (I'm not morbid, I use this as a 'seize the day' sort of thing).
4. I can't believe Leo still hasn't won an Oscar, WTF.
5. I need more sleep.

Five blogging clichés that I love;

1. That we love all white desks/photos/props.
2. Those big numbered balloons everyone uses for blog birthdays; cute.
3. That we all take ages perfecting Instagram photos.
4. Buying things 'for the blog' is a legit reason to shop.
5. Being on social media all day is FINE (it is).

Five things I want for Christmas;

1. A Lush haul (anything and everything).
2. More books.)
3. I have at least 5 MAC lipsticks with my name on..
4. Stationery! All of the cute things please.
5. Tsum Tsums! EEEP! I still need so many!

Five things you might not know about me;

1. I listen to old Ricky Gervais podcasts every night in bed (Karl P makes me laugh SO MUCH).
2. My favourite fictional character of all time is Lisbeth Salander.
3. I have 10 tattoos.
4. My favourite one is a skeleton couple in a heart on my thigh, with the lyrics 'Love will tear us apart'.
5. I'm that obsessed with Eminem I cried when I first seen him perform live.

Five bloggers I think are the bees knees;

1. http://helloapril.co.uk/
2. http://hollyquillsandivy.blogspot.co.uk/
3. http://www.kiahpage.blogspot.co.uk/
4. http://beautyinbeta.co.uk/
5. http://www.veryberrycosmo.co.uk/

Have a great weekend guys!

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Why Failing Can Be Good

desk notebook
If you've visited this blog often enough, I guess even just once or twice; you should already know by now that I talk a lot about inspiration, goals and success. Whether it's my own, or someone else's, this is a place I hope to motivate you guys and keep things positive.

However I recently got thinking about what drives me and keeps me motivated, and I was quite surprised to summarise that it's actually my failures that push me forward. Hmm. Sure, winning an award and getting praise, or achieving a goal in some way is absolutely awesome; but I think the danger there is letting yourself get a little stuck. I mean, getting the thumbs up for something will make you feel good, but it might also subconsciously make you think you don't have to do anything extra. Does that make sense?

10 Happy Things Last Week

desk pen stationery patch

Sometimes you have a really crappy week, it's unavoidable. However, it can really make you appreciate the good times, and help you grow as a person. Last week wasn't the greatest for me, but I tried to pick myself up, stop crying about it and smile; and I felt all the more better for it.

"When life gives you lemons, just say fuck the lemons and bail." - Paul Rudd (aka my fave) in 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall'.

Today I'm feeling inspired by Katy, who blogs weekly happy things and always finds the joy in life. So today I want to write everything I was grateful for last week, or which made me happy in some way or another.

1. Master Of None - This new Aziz Ansari show on Netflix is amazing, I binge watched it all. It's funny, emotional, truthful and thoughtful. My new favourite and it really got me through last week.

2. Seeing Mum & letting her help me out - It's not often I let Mum help me with anything, as I feel bad putting her out in any way. But last week I had to cave, and it felt really good knowing she was there for me. I love you Joan ;)

Pixi Silver Sky Mesmerizing Palette

pixi palette beauty petra
Is this a pretty one or what? The Pixi Silver Sky Mesmerizing palette is one that's been in my stash for so long now, and always a good one to reach for. I havn't tried many Pixi products at all, but I'm dyiiiing to. This cool toned palette is a favourite of mine, and I think it'll be one of yours too if you try it.
While I'm not the biggest fan of the pale green packaging, the rest of it is adorable; and it does make it easy to find within my huge stash of palettes. Side note- does anyone else just keep on collecting palette after palette? I can't seem to help myself.

Being Goal Orientated

camera desk pen blogging

In the last few years I've discovered more about myself than ever before, and one of the best things I've discovered is that I'm really goal orientated. Nothing motivates me more than when I have a goal to work towards, an end game, a 'reward' for my efforts (even if that reward is simply the achievement). It drives me and spurs me on into the dark hours of the night, no matter how exhausted I may be. I wish I'd have known this at school to be honest. I did quite well, but I feel like if I'd have been aware that this was my best way of working, I might have achieved even more.

DIY Beauty: Face Scrub

DIY beauty products homemade

DIY and beauty are both reoccurring themes on this blog, because I have a passion for both and love to share them with you guys.  I have actually made an attempt before at my own home made beauty products (including this lip scrub) and found it so much fun!

Cosy Evenings

personalised notebook pink girly
Has anyone noticed that I hadn't published a post on here for like three or four days? I've no idea if anyone would even notice me going quiet, but in case you have; thank you! So where have I been? Well to be honest, I've been hibernating away! My workload this week has been NUTS. Like, seriously... I have barely come up for air. I can't say I'm moaning though, because I've been enjoying some creature comforts this week.

Spending half my time tucked in bed, fluffy dressing gown on, writing/drawing away all day and night; it was a pleasure when I received a special parcel from Getting Personal. It was a surprise that arrived just on time to be honest, as it was filled with amazing things to make me feel special as I hibernated.

8 Good & Bad Things About Being A Girl

Whatever being a girl means to you, there's no denying it has it's ups and downs being female in this world today. Sure all the Beyonce's and Taylor Swifts in this world can make us feel fierce and all full of that girl power thing; but every now and again it's just pretty shit.
Here's some things that suck (for me), being a lady (lol, lady...)
1. Periods.
Okay, let's get the obvious one out of the way quick shall we? Bleeding for a week every month sucks, and there's not much to make up for that. Sure we can inhale all the chocolate we can get our hands on, and appreciate the miracle of nature (hmmff..), but it's basically hell being a girl during that week. Getting your period is something to be grateful for, and I'm sure many of us have had a sigh of relief when it's come at one time or another (ahem), but it's like winning the worlds shittest lottery isn't it? And don't even get me started on the tampon tax...

Custom Artwork

custom portrait drawings digital and hand drawn

I feel like I've really found something I love, doing custom portraits for people. Lately they're my favourite thing to tackle on my to-do list. I get to spend a lot of time doing some cool things; designing blog headers for people, custom graphics for various websites (I've had some great opportunities lately!) and handling social media for people. However among all this, if I have a custom portrait lined up, I'm usually way more excited for this than anything else. THIS. IS. MY. JAM.

My Autumn/Winter Palette Of Choice

Makeup Revolution Give Them Nightmares

Makeup Revolution Give Them Nightmares Palette
If Wednesday Addams had grown up and gotten into makeup; I feel like this would have been her palette of choice. It's the Makeup Revolution 'Give Them Nightmares' palette, and it's my new favourite thing in my makeup collection.
I'm pretty sure this palette has been out a while, and I just missed the boat with this one. However when I was browsing Superdrug a few weeks ago, I spotted this baby on offer for only £4 and I lost my shit. Maybe I'm exaggerating? But either way, I got excited.
I love Makeup Revolution anyway, but their palettes are always especially amazing. This one is absolutely perfect for Autumn/Winter, and screams goth. Perfect for my latest hair eh?

Reasons I'm A Huge Dork.

Geek things
Dorkface: The name is a clue right there. I'm not even one of the 'cool without trying/super techy gamer people' (what a terrible description), no; I'm just a dork. I like some things, and I obsess over some things. I thought I'd try cram some of them into a blog post, because it's this big part of my life that doesn't get represented on my blog as much as it should! So here are some things that make me a little bit dorky...

How Is 2015 Almost Over Already?

girl glasses selfie

I mean really? I swear five minutes ago we were all like, 'Woo! Spring!'

I'm not complaining though, because the end of the year is my favourite time of year mostly. I'm so happy to say that as I sit in my office typing this post out, I'm wearing the fluffiest pjs and dressing gown ever (see above photo) and I feel like a cloud. Outside the window it's pitch black, and so foggy I can barely see across the road; even though It's only 6pm. I love these dark nights and cold mornings.

Anyway, I thought I'd check in with you guys, since the past two days have been quiet on this blog for me, which is really strange. I usually don't go more than a day without posting; but I've been busier than ever.

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