DIY Beauty: Face Scrub

DIY beauty products homemade

DIY and beauty are both reoccurring themes on this blog, because I have a passion for both and love to share them with you guys.  I have actually made an attempt before at my own home made beauty products (including this lip scrub) and found it so much fun!
So when Mira Showers* challenged me to make my own using simple household objects with nothing more than tap water; I was totally intrigued! Not to mention feeling competitive, I'm not sure who with, I just really like a good challenge, haha.
One of the recipes I thought I'd try out was for a face scrub, as skincare is something I love to indulge in. So if I can find a home made scrub that makes me look and feel good? Count me in.
All I used was oats, a lemon, honey, some cinnamon and water. I mixed the oats and lemon juice together with the honey until it was of a thick dropping consistency. I then added in a small amount of cinnamon to make it smell yummy, and tap water to make the consistency easier to use on my face. Now, I'm not about to share photos of me with oats all over my face. But trust me, it was hilarious. I gently scrubbed this into my skin, and once I felt I'd tackled all my problem areas (my nose!) I started cleaning it off with some water. It rinsed off really easily, and I found my skin was left feeling so soft and smooth!
Obviously I'm an addict, so I'm always going to indulge in buying more and more skincare. But I can wholeheartedly admit I'm going to be using this recipe too, maybe once a week to give my skin a good clear.
I would actually LOVE to know other little home made beauty DIY's I could use, so please let me know of any you guys use? And please let me know if you try this one yourself.
Who knew some items from my cupboard and some tap water could make the perfect pamper products eh?
Happy creating!
*This post was in collaboration with Mira Showers.
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