Friday Five 14

phone desk

Hello and happy Friday to you all! :) I hope you've had a lovely week filled with glitter, laughs and all things pretty. I accidentally missed a week or two of Friday Fives; oops! But please forgive me as I was working on some other awesome content at the time, and sometimes you can't do it all - as I've learned the hard way!

Anyway, I hope you guys still enjoy my Friday Five posts, as I love doing them! 
Here's this week's bunch...

Five things I've been known to say a lot;

1. Fuck.
2. I need coffee.
3. I could die tomorrow (I'm not morbid, I use this as a 'seize the day' sort of thing).
4. I can't believe Leo still hasn't won an Oscar, WTF.
5. I need more sleep.

Five blogging clichés that I love;

1. That we love all white desks/photos/props.
2. Those big numbered balloons everyone uses for blog birthdays; cute.
3. That we all take ages perfecting Instagram photos.
4. Buying things 'for the blog' is a legit reason to shop.
5. Being on social media all day is FINE (it is).

Five things I want for Christmas;

1. A Lush haul (anything and everything).
2. More books.)
3. I have at least 5 MAC lipsticks with my name on..
4. Stationery! All of the cute things please.
5. Tsum Tsums! EEEP! I still need so many!

Five things you might not know about me;

1. I listen to old Ricky Gervais podcasts every night in bed (Karl P makes me laugh SO MUCH).
2. My favourite fictional character of all time is Lisbeth Salander.
3. I have 10 tattoos.
4. My favourite one is a skeleton couple in a heart on my thigh, with the lyrics 'Love will tear us apart'.
5. I'm that obsessed with Eminem I cried when I first seen him perform live.

Five bloggers I think are the bees knees;


Have a great weekend guys!

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