Tired & Happy

drawing sketch illustration art portrait

Do you ever just feel like writing a general post about nothing? This is this.

Okay, well, not nothing. I just feel like I need to update you guys on this past week and what I've been up to. I'm not sure if anyone would even notice this, but I usually post around 4/5 times a week, and this past week has only seen 3 (if we don't include this one!). I really felt as if I'd lagged this week, even though I know three posts is still a lot to some people. It is a lot, I know. But I'm very much used to posting more, so it felt weird for me.

What has been the reason behind a tiny little bit less blogging? All good things! I started my new job, and it's left me absolutely exhausted. I'm on my feet all day and by the time I get home I am so ready for bed. If you've read a few of my recent posts, you'll already know that I left my full time job in social management. I did this because the role started to change, and I had to concentrate more on the 'finnicky', customer service, client handling of things rather than actually improving someones social media; and I began to steer into a different direction I weren't happy about. So I decided to do it freelance myself, I bagged my first two clients, and I left work and traded it in for a part time retail job. It's not where I want to work, but it means I have the time to invest in building my own business, and still pay the bills if it all goes wrong. 

So anyway, yeah, new job. It's alright, but tiring! Only 2 or 3 days a week though, which is exactly what I needed. So something to be thankful for!

I've also been working on illustrations, paintings and custom graphics for you guys! This has been awesome. The people I've worked with so far have been so helpful, encouraging and positive. I've been lucky enough that I've been booked up constantly for the past few weeks, and business still seems to keep coming in. It makes me SO happy that some people out there like what I can do. I hope between this and slowly building up my rep as a social media manager, one day I can go fully self employed. It would be a DREAM.

Anyway.. Other than that I've been trying to fit time in with Gary between both our shifts and multiple projects, trying to see friends and family (and failing!) and obviously trying to keep my blog just as busy as ever. While it may have slowed ever so slightly, I'm pretty proud of myself that I'm managing to fit everything in. True, I'm surviving on naps and quick, rushed meals; but I'm happy.

I know this post is very unscripted and unplanned, which must be obvious. I just kinda wanted to say hi though, to let you guys know I'm here, as addicted to blogging as ever. I just need a little time to settle into this crazy ass new routine of mine.

As I type this out I have a verryy long to-do list next to me, that I'm trying to conquer before bedtime... wish me luck!

Love you all :)

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  1. This all sounds so amazing Jemma! I'm glad you're chasing your dreams and having fun while doing so :)

    Hazel xx

  2. Don't beat yourself up about not posting as often as you'd like hun. I admire you for managing to post 3-4 times a week whilst working both on your own business and at an extra job and also working on requests and illustrations. You're like superwoman!! :) xxx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

    1. Haha I'm trying my bestest! Believe me I am KNACKERED though all the time haha! xxx

  3. It sounds like you are having a good ol' time at the moment! And post when you want dear! I can't even post that many times, quite often. So you are fab, doing blogging, as well as illustrations and working!!

    A Little Twist Of…

    1. Aww thanks Meg!!! <3 Hehe trying to keep up with it all :)

  4. It sounds like you're happy which is the main thing but I can totally relate to that tiredness that comes with being so busy. I hope you can get some rest in this weekend :) - Tasha

  5. Congratulations on the new job! I start a full time job next week and I'm kinda worried about not blogging as much but I guess we have to remember why we started blogging, for ourselves and not other people. Those who really love and support you will still stick around even if you don't post as much because they'll be happy for you :) xx

    Sam // Samantha Betteridge

  6. It's great that you're having happy kind of busyness, those are the best ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon


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