15 Creative Things To Do

If I could ask for anything for you guys when visiting Dorkface, it'd be that you're left feeling inspired and creative; that's the hope anyway. So what if you do feel inspired?, what if I do get your creative juices flowing?... what then?

Well I have the solution my friends. I know, I know. You can thank me later. 
Now take some time to invest on your creativity, it will not be time wasted!

1. Paint. I don't care if you've never picked up a brush in your life; do it! Swish some watercolours about, use them as pretty backgrounds for pictures, make a super organised colour swatching page to inspire you (and possibly consider a new colour scheme for your blog!)

2. Make an inspiration book. Collect pretty images in magazines, scraps of paper, cute wrapping paper, anything you can stick into a journal. Starting in such a simple way, creating pages of imagery you just like, will bring new ideas to you every time you come back to it and will make a really pretty journal.

3. Paint your nails. Really go for it, don't stick with the normal splash of colour quickly slapped onto your nails (just me?!). Check out some amazing ideas from Pinterest like these, and make something super pretty. Get creative with it; add glitter, stickers, spell out words, whatever. Make a statement!

4. Sew something inspirational into a shirt. Yep, anyone could do this one! Use this an an example. Just pencil in what you'd like to write first, then get sewing! Think of all the awesome song lyrics you could use...

5. Repaint something at home. This could be a big DIY project like painting an old table with a pop of colour, or simply making a serving tray a little prettier. 

6. Make a card. Everyone loves a handmade card! There is nothing cuter, or more heartfelt than someone putting a bit of effort in. Especially if it's for no reason, other than to make someone smile :)

7. Create a collage. Super easy! Whether you use old photographs, images from magazines or just ripped up pieces of pretty paper :)

8. Take photographs. I know a lot of my audience is made up of bloggers, and you photograph a lot anyway. But let's get creative with it! Take photos every hour of your day, and show how your whole day went. Or go somewhere special, somewhere local, and take as many photos as possible. Maybe even ask someone to sit for you?

9. Writing. This this I'm doing right now? This counts. Grab a pen and paper (ooh, oldschool!) and write down your favourite memories, the start of a short story, or even a poem. Don't worry about the outcome, just have fun with it.

10. Customise. Whether it's your clothes, your notebooks, your bag or your mirror; get customising! 
11. Sculpt. Okay, this doesn't have to be as daunting as it might sound! I've used clay before to make jewellery on this very old post, and it's so much fun!

12. Collect things. I know someone who collects pretty flowers and presses them into a scrapbook with notes/photographs from where she picked them, and it's such an awesome idea! But the simple act of collecting anything can be quite creative if you share or display it in some fun way.

13. Get crafty with crochet. I've never learned to crochet myself, but it looks amazing! I'm especially impressed with the creations from Crissy - she is so talented!

14. Make a dream catcher. Not just for the boho types! Make something super pretty to display above your bed and it'll remind you how super creative and awesome you are! :)

15. Learn to play an instrument. Whether the piano, drums or the guitar are something you've always wanted to learn but never bothered, do it now! There's no time like the present.

I hope you all feel a little inspired, and let me know what creative things you're all up to lately?

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Tired & Happy

drawing sketch illustration art portrait

Do you ever just feel like writing a general post about nothing? This is this.

Okay, well, not nothing. I just feel like I need to update you guys on this past week and what I've been up to. I'm not sure if anyone would even notice this, but I usually post around 4/5 times a week, and this past week has only seen 3 (if we don't include this one!). I really felt as if I'd lagged this week, even though I know three posts is still a lot to some people. It is a lot, I know. But I'm very much used to posting more, so it felt weird for me.

What has been the reason behind a tiny little bit less blogging? All good things! I started my new job, and it's left me absolutely exhausted. I'm on my feet all day and by the time I get home I am so ready for bed. If you've read a few of my recent posts, you'll already know that I left my full time job in social management. I did this because the role started to change, and I had to concentrate more on the 'finnicky', customer service, client handling of things rather than actually improving someones social media; and I began to steer into a different direction I weren't happy about. So I decided to do it freelance myself, I bagged my first two clients, and I left work and traded it in for a part time retail job. It's not where I want to work, but it means I have the time to invest in building my own business, and still pay the bills if it all goes wrong. 

So anyway, yeah, new job. It's alright, but tiring! Only 2 or 3 days a week though, which is exactly what I needed. So something to be thankful for!

I've also been working on illustrations, paintings and custom graphics for you guys! This has been awesome. The people I've worked with so far have been so helpful, encouraging and positive. I've been lucky enough that I've been booked up constantly for the past few weeks, and business still seems to keep coming in. It makes me SO happy that some people out there like what I can do. I hope between this and slowly building up my rep as a social media manager, one day I can go fully self employed. It would be a DREAM.

Anyway.. Other than that I've been trying to fit time in with Gary between both our shifts and multiple projects, trying to see friends and family (and failing!) and obviously trying to keep my blog just as busy as ever. While it may have slowed ever so slightly, I'm pretty proud of myself that I'm managing to fit everything in. True, I'm surviving on naps and quick, rushed meals; but I'm happy.

I know this post is very unscripted and unplanned, which must be obvious. I just kinda wanted to say hi though, to let you guys know I'm here, as addicted to blogging as ever. I just need a little time to settle into this crazy ass new routine of mine.

As I type this out I have a verryy long to-do list next to me, that I'm trying to conquer before bedtime... wish me luck!

Love you all :)

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Skin Favourites: Vichy Aqualia Thermal

skincare beauty vichy moisturiser

Do you ever get products you're really excited to try, then somehow forget about them and leave them to sit on a shelf for months? Nope? Just me? Anyway, somehow that's what happened to me with this Vichy Aqualia Thermal Moisuriser. I'd heard plenty of good things about Vichy skincare and this moisturiser claims to be for sensitive, dehydrated skin too; so I thought I'd give it a go.

However, I have so many skincare products that it kind of got lost in the crowd for while. Oh, let me be clear; I'm not some awesome beauty guru with lashings of money to spend on skincare and a beautiful collection. It's just I buy little things here and there, and always forget to use them! I'm terrible for neglecting my skin. So having a bunch of products around is normal for me.

skincare beauty vichy moisturiser

So a few weeks ago, I finally got around to trying out this bad boy for real. I've been applying it every time I get out the shower, in the hopes of replenishing my skin with much needed moisture. Let me tell ya, this baby has delivered.

I found this moisturiser to be super gentle, like... fit for a baby! (don't take my word on this). It sinks into my skin easily without leaving any of that dreaded greasy residue you sometimes get with skincare products - I hate this. And best of all? No fuss. One quick pump of this and applied in circular motions over my face, I'm good to go! I can't help but feel it gives me a beautiful healthy glow too. Or maybe that's just my smug face feeling happy with myself for remembering to moisturise for once.

Let me know if you've tried this and what you thought?
Also, anyone else out there as bad as me when it comes to skincare?! :)

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9 Happy Things This Week

In no particular order of business;

1. I finally got my nose pierced again, thank the lord. Last year I had to take it out while looking for jobs (well, didn't have to, but it was so much easier), and same goes for my lip ring. This week I finally felt like I was getting back to my normal self by getting my nose done again. The lip ring will come back in a few weeks :) It's weird how a small piece of metal makes me feel 'myself' again.

2. Spending more time with Gary, yay! I start a new part time job next week. But I've had time off, and going from full time to part time means we get a lot more time together, which I'm so thankful for. Gary works nights at the weekends, so we only have weekdays together really, so the less time I'm in work, the better. Kinda love this guy ;)

3. Painting/Drawing/Designing/etc. As you all know I now take requests for designs; whether it be you want portraits done, blog headers, whatever, and this has meant I've spent soooo much time getting to paint and draw for you guys. I'm keen to share this work soon, but that'll be a separate post very soon.

4. Lush. Recently I popped into the Lush Liverpool store and was greeted by the most awesome staff (not annoying like a lot of stores!) and genuinely felt welcomed. Especially because I got chatting to a lovely girl called Caitlin who gave Holly and I free products as part of their kindness scheme - wow! I got a free 'Granny Takes A Dip' which I've never tried before, yay! Unfortunately I bashed it by accident so by the time I got home it wasn't really 'photo ready'. But it's still going to be awesome to try out soon!

5. More Lush! I also bought myself the Ickle Baby Bot, Pink Fun, Dorothy and Dragon Egg! - I haven't tried any of these ones before and I am like a child at Christmas!

6. I've officially started my Tsum Tsum collection, eeep. I couldn't resist picking up this cute Marie one when I peeked into the Disney store recently, she's adorable. I can't wait to add more soon!

7. This is probably the sweetest post of this post. When I recently met up with Holly (who you should all go follow!) she gifted me with this beautiful necklace set, saying it reminded her of me! This girl is SO damn nice, and knows me so well! Moon, stars, dainty cuteness, yes please and thank you. I'm so lucky to have met her!

8. So Kawaiii! ^__^ I officially put my first order into Blippo, and received the cutest package in the mail. The prices were really quite cheap, with free shipping too; so I was over the moon to satisfy my addiction to cute stationary and all things Kawaii. More soon probably..

9. And Gary again. Why? Why not. I bloody love this guy, he makes me happy every single day. (Awwww... sick bucket?)

What's made you guys happy this week? :)

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Cute Finds With Santoro London

Maybe you, dear reader, have a sense of me and my style by now? Maybe it's clear I pretty much fall for anything cute, colourful and sweet. I hope so, as I really do want my blog to express all the things I love and coo over on a regular basis.
Santoro London has become a new addition to my favourite stores I browse through and get lost in. Santoro design and create beautiful, precious collections that I'm sure appeal to young audiences... annnnd 27 year olds like me with a fixation on everything cute and childish.

They have a huge range of items such as stationary, clothing, bags, accessories, crafts and home ware, all with their signature style carefully thought into each design. So when they got in touch and asked if anything appealed to me, I immediately said the notebooks and diaries, and also the adorable cosmetic bags that were shaped almost like old school lunchboxes! Nostalgic or what?

santoro london
Out of all the cute characters they chose to send me, they went with the pink haired dreamer, and I think that's pretty awesome! Everything is so beautifully kitschy and colourful, I can't believe I'm lucky enough to have been graced with a few of their items. The only problem now is, deciding what to use them for! I'm thinking the notebook for my blog to do list (a daily thing), and the bag for my nail polishes. Or maybe blushers?...
Maybe my new lunchbox?! Who knows.
Thank you Santoro London!
*Items were provided for review, but this is not a sponsored post and all views are my own.
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Tie Dye Fun

tie dye clothing dylon fabric dye

This week I've been as creative as ever, except I've been working with old clothes rather than paints and canvas. The nice chaps over at Dylon kindly sent me a bunch of dyes to take advantage of in any way I saw fit, and since it's almost Summer I thought a boost of colour is just what I needed.

I found a few old clothes I had hanging around that I was kinda bored of, and decided to give them a little bit of life.

The instructions on the back of each packet made things super easy especially for someone like me. I have a short attention span and if things get too complicated, I get bored. Basically I mixed the powder dyes with water, and then applied it to my clothing in two different ways. With the tops, I twisted them around from the center and quickly tied some rubber bands around them (okay I didn't have rubber bands, so I used old hair bobbles!). Then I used a pipette (yes I just so happened to have one) to add drops precisely where I wanted them, varying in colour.

tie dye clothing dylon fabric dye

The second type of application was to fill the sink with the dye solution, and dip the ends of my shorts in. I dipped them half way in, and then left the very ends hanging over the sink for an hour, to really seep in.

I am so, so happy with the results! I've never dyed anything myself before and I can't believe I've been missing out on something so easy.

tie dye clothing dylon fabric dye

tie dye clothing dylon fabric dye

tie dye clothing dylon fabric dye

The swirl patterns turned out awesome and my shorts are so much prettier! They were a washed out light blue before, and now they have a deep bluish/slightlyviolet ombre. (Tip- I mixed a little of the pink and blue together to achieve a lovely purple) I feel so ready for Summer!

I will definitely be buying dyes from now on and I'm already obsessing over what else I can customise in my wardrobe. Also for anyone considering buying any of the fabric dyes, they go a long way. One sachet did well enough for multiple items of clothing, so it's a good idea to plan out beforehand if there's other clothing you want to do in the same colour.

Hope you guys enjoyed this!
Let me know if you've ever tried dying your clothes or customising in any way?

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Be Your Own Hero

Every day our lives are saturated by outside sources of inspiration, motivation and influence; which is a fantastic and beautiful thing. I feel a tremendous amount of gratitude for how easy it is to Google something when I need inspiration or ideas. When I'm working in my art journal it's almost natural for me to look up Pinterest inspiration boards, when I need blog post ideas there's about a thousand ways I can find them within seconds, and when I want to try a new makeup look, well, there's a whole industry out there to influence me.

Inspiration is wonderful when it happens, but the writer must develop an approach for the rest of the time. ~ Leonard Bernstein

This past month has seen me create more artwork, write more poetry, and take more photographs than I have in a long time. I have felt inspired and motivated, ready to take on so many different projects and goals. While you may think this is because I have opened up shop, started selling artwork and generally taking requests; it is actually the other way around. It is because of my inspiration that I have done these things. I seem to have tapped into a tiny, wonderful part of my brain responsible for giving me the drive I need. And while it almost certainly will not last forever, it is wonderful to have it for the time being. 

So, how did I come by this? What am I doing? Perhaps I have a super fucking awesome Pinterest board which I'll link you all to now? Okay I do have awesome Pinterest boards, but no. The answer is much simpler, yet harder I'm afraid.

I decided what I wanted to do, and I did it.

I know, life changing stuff huh? I'm pretty sure you've heard that before, but it's okay, stick with me. I didn't watch some amazing inspiration speech, I didn't read a book that changed my outlook, I didn't have some 'Aha!' moment while in the shower. I simply woke one morning and found that I weren't completely happy with the day ahead. I knew that it wasn't going to be The Best Day Ever; and knowing that kind of scared me. I'm not saying I was unhappy, just to be clear. I have the great pleasure of living with and sharing my life with a man who makes me feel deliriously filled with joy, I have friends who I love and a lot to be thankful for. But I still knew it wasn't going to be particularly awesome that day, it would be 'normal'.

I got thinking about normal, and what we accept as habit and day to day expectations. I wondered if I'd look back at my life in fifty years and regret this moment I'm living in right now. Maybe I'll regret little things; not wearing my best clothes everyday, that make me feel awesome and colourful. Maybe I'll regret bigger things like not travelling more and seeing the world. I was wondering what I would regret for each particular day actually, and one day I decided to stop wondering. I knew I had to let my heart make some more of my daily decisions, that way maybe I wouldn't go as wrong and steer my life in a different direction.

So I wrote down what I wanted to do that day. I'm a To-Do list kinda girl at heart.
I wanted to cuddle Gary and laugh.
I wanted to do something creative.
I wanted to call my mum, and maybe check in with friends.

Nothing monumental happened that day; I started a small painting to pass some time, and it felt great. I believe Gary and I watched The Office (again), and laughed as we held hands and laid into each other. And I know I called my mum, and started a Snapchat war with a friend. All in all, a pretty basic day. 

I went to bed very happy.
So when the next day came, I wrote down my list of things again. Not things that needed to be done, but things that I wanted from the day, and I've done it each day since. 
Small changes have happened because of this tiny new way of approaching each day; I did not write a blog post when I didn't feel like it, I changed my hair again and I filled up my art journal a little more. Big changes have happened around here too. I quit my full time job that I liked, and took up a part time one somewhere, so that I have the time and freedom to pursue something I love. I began taking professional approaches to things I wanted to do for my career. I gained two official clients. I have painted and drawn people for pleasure, and also sometimes for money as well; which, when you think about it, is pretty powerful. There are people willing to pay me to do something that keeps me up at 3am because I can't bear to not be doing it.

I feel a little scared, and extremely hopeful.
I feel alive and a little more positive.
I feel in control too, which is hilarious because that's just asking for trouble, right?

But all in all, I feel like fifty years from now I might not have as many regrets. I might actually make some pretty brilliant choices now. I might end up doing okay. I can't say for sure, but I can say I'm less worried about it.

I'm still gonna read all the blog posts I can get my hands on about finding inspiration, and I'm gonna pin away anything that brings me motivation too.

But mostly, I'm going to stop looking for the world to bring something to me on a plate. I'm going to close my eyes, and let my mind see everything I need to see. 

I'm going to be my own hero in this story.
Who will be the hero of your story?

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3 Ways To Improve Your Social Media

3 ways to improve social media online computer tips
Whether you use social media for fun, business or blogging; there are a bunch of things you can do to improve your experience working across different platforms. Some things I've learned along the way, and other things I've learned from other people working in social media, which has been super helpful. I try to do all three of these things myself, and thought I might share them with you guys in case you were interested.

1. Purge.
Unfollowing people isn't always a bad thing, or meant in a nasty way. I thoroughly recommend unfollowing anyone who makes you feel bad in any way, whether it's a small or big thing. For example, a while back one of my friends was being quite negative on Facebook, and all their updates were bitchy, moany, ranty. It got to the point I had to mute them, because they really brought me down. Unfollowing their updates was a godsend, and actually improved our friendship too. Another reason to unfollow someone, may be because you just don't like their blog anymore. There's no point subscribing to a blog if it holds no interest to you at all. If anything, great blog posts get lost in the sea of ones boring you. Purge, clean out, get rid. Follow only ones you LOVE.

2. Give Personality/Follow Personality.
This is the part where I recommend following people who cheer you on, who are friendly, who make you laugh and who have the same interests as you. And likewise, you should do all this too. People love when you let your personality shine through! So be yourself, support others in your field and always take a moment to help people.

3. Update & Explore.
Updating often is the obvious but very important way of making the most of your social media. If people see you are active, they'll want to follow you and get to know you more. Likewise, the more active you are, the more you can explore across whatever platform you're using (Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, etc). Exploring means finding people who inspire you, connecting with brands and businesses you want to work with, finding others with the same quirky hobbies and reaching a whole new audience too.

Do you use social media to it's advantages?

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Prairie Charms Giveaway!

If you caught my recent post about the lovely things I got in the mail from the guys over at Prairie Charms, you'll know that they are the experts in everything pretty and cute. I'm thrilled to say that now they're giving me the chance to run a giveaway for you guys!

They will be providing an AWESOME MYSTERY GOODY BAG - filled with treats perfect for the individual who wins! :) Yay! This is open internationally, so everyone has a chance to win. The only requirements are that you follow them on Twitter, and follow me on Twitter. There are ways to earn extra entries though too ;)

This giveaway will run for one week - ending Monday 25th May. then I will use Rafflecopter to select a winner at random, check their entries and let them know. If we've had no response with 24 hours, I'll be selecting another winner.

And as an added bonus, Prairie Charms are also offering my readers a special discount code; so if you would like to purchase the current Summer Edition Mystery Bag for £5 then tweet Prairie Charms (@Prairie_Charms) using the hashtag #DORKFACE to receive an exclusive piece from the Summer Collection!

Good luck guys, I can honestly say you won't be disappointed!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Yves Saint Laurent Very YSL Palette

YSL Yves Saint Laurent palette makeup
There are two sides to me when it comes to makeup; there's the colourful kawaii girl who loves nothing more than pastel pinks, baby blues and plenty of glitter - usually a girly daytime favourite. Then there's the nighttime side to me that wants nothing more than a great smoky eye and a bold lip, to give that sophisticated vamp effect. Well, that's always the plan. Usually I end up looking like I've been thumped in the eye, but the less spoken of that the better.
Keeping this in mind, when I was offered the chance to order something of my choice from the Direct Cosmetics* website, I tried to find something that would appeal to both sides of me. To tell you the truth, I was quite surprised at how huge the range is on Direct Cosmetics, so I was spoiled for choice. Eventually I decided to go for this versatile and beautiful makeup palette from YSL. 
YSL Yves Saint Laurent palette makeup

Cute Mail

This week's mail had me squealing my little kawaii heart out, and for good reason too. Two sets of awesome packages came in the post, and I can't help but want to share the prettiness of it all with you guys.

Firstly, after teasing myself for a good week looking at all the beautiful products available from Cheekyboo; I caved and finally bought this adorable map notebook. I'm so glad I did. This little guy now takes pride of place on my desk, and is inspiring me to fill it with my hopes, dreams, ideas and plans! It's filled with beautifully textured paper too, none of that cheap thin crap you so often see. How could I not get this when it's only £1.95?! Bargain if the month I think, and I've now got my eye on a few other products of theirs. 

Secondly, I was lucky enough to win a Twitter competition from the lovely guys over at Prairie Charms; Woohoo! They said they were sending me a goody bag full of surprises, and I couldn't believe the lovely items they included.

Jewelled hair clips, pastel hair bobbles, beautiful glitter bow clips, a necklace, pretty straws, washi tape, big star and moon hair clips and more! Everything was SO CUTE. I felt like a kid in a candy store. I've already used my washi tapes to help decorate my scrapbook, and worn different hair accessories each day. The beautiful big bow hair clip has gotten me so many compliments, and I think it really suits my hair colour at the moment. I'm also thinking of clipping this to items of clothing to customise them, like on a blazer or bag; to add a little sparkle to various outfits.

I love receiving any mail that isn't boring bills, and these were such a treat in my letterbox this week. I loved sharing this with you guys, and I'm actually considering doing posts like this every now and again when especially cute things make their way into my mail.
What do you think? Would you like to see that?

Please let me know if any of you would be interested in something like this?! I'd love to know!

Thanks guys :)
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The Easiest Milkshake Ever

It's probably well known by now that I am no expert in the kitchen (which I am totally okay with). However this week I've managed to whip up something that even Gary was impressed with. What fine dining experience did I manage to conquer you ask? Well okay, just a milkshake. But that's a big deal for me guys! Haha.

Take a few scoops of mint chocolate chip ice cream, add some milk, mash up some bars of Milkyway and add a little chocolate sauce on top, add it all into a blender for 60 seconds - and hey presto! We have a beautiful, yummy, tempting treat for the Summer.


Have you got any easy milkshake ideas I could try? :)

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Monthly & Yearly Blog Goals

As someone who loves a good to-do list, and feels rather excited by crossing things off these said to-do lists; I couldn't let the opportunity pass to share one of my recent favourites with you guys. At the start of the year (January 1st, to be exact!), I decided to make some blogging goals for the entire year, in the hopes it would keep me organised and focused. I also decided to make extra goals each month as time goes on, so that I can keep things fresh in my mind and motivate me for small tasks.

So since we're almost halfway through the year, I'd like to share some of my thoughts so far for monthly and yearly blogging goals...

(Bold are the ones I've done already)

Goals for 2015:
- Host a Twitter chat (confirmed, soon!)
- Open an Etsy shop
- Reach 1000 Bloglovin followers
- Finally get the hang of affiliate links (and use them)
- Reach 3000 Twitter Followers
- Publish 400 posts
- Reach 2000 Bloglovin followers
- Attend a blogger meet up (two so far!)
- Reach 100,000 views
- Reach 5000 Twitter followers
- Turn the spare room into an actual office for blogging/work
- Push my DA up to 30
- Work with more brands
- Design new business cards

Monthly Goals:
- Take part in at least one Twitter chat each week
- Publish at least three posts each week
- Add to my art journal
- Fill up my advertising slots

It feels fantastic to see the things I've achieved so far, whether big or small. Seeing the things I've yet to do doesn't leave me disheartened either; I'm motivated to keep going! I have so many ambitions inside and outside of blogging, and knowing I'm on the right track really helps to keep me focused.

Do you guys set yourselves monthly or yearly goals?
Let me know how you're doing so far!

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Kiss Cosmetics KISStick Product Launch

kiss cosmetics lipstick purple brand review makeup
I'm guessing you guys already know I love a bright colour, right? If not, I'm doing something very wrong here. Whether it's my makeup, my hair, my clothing or even my tattoos; a bold colour will always go down very well with me. So when Kiss Cosmetics* sent me one of their brand new products ready to review, I jumped at the chance!

Can we first and foremost talk about the packaging? I know it means nothing in terms of how good a product is, but it is our first impression into the care and quality. And let's face it, we're all suckers for something that draw in the eye.

kiss cosmetics lipstick purple osculate orchid
This bright,bold, bubblegum-esque lipstick is a heavenly addition to my makeup collection, and quite fitting for someone as colourful as I. I honestly did a little 'squee' for Kawaii girls everywhere when I opened the package and seen it.

Next up; The smell. Yes, you read that right. I noticed as soon as I applied it, that it had the most beautiful scent for a lipstick; which I don't think I've experienced with others before. It's hard for me to describe, but I think 'sweet' is as close as I can come to doing it justice. And no, not sickly sweet or cheap like those terrible lipsticks you'd get free with magazines as a kid. Oh the nostalgia...

The pigmentation is simply amazing, especially considering this is a lipstick that will be available for only £7! No need to keep reapplying with this bad boy, one quick swipe and you're ready to go. It is bold and beautiful; so basically everything I want in a lipstick. The exact shade is 'Osculate Orchid' which is a dreamy deep purple with a pink undertone.

kiss cosmetics osculate orchid lipstick

kiss cosmetics osculate orchid lipstick swatch
The creamy, rich formula worked wonders on my lips; which tend to be quite dry. The power behind my pout felt immense as I wore this at the weekend, and very me. I'm quite the sucker for a purple lipstick anyway, and this has fast become my favourite. 

The KISStick Osculate Orchid is going to be available from 20th May so be sure to visit the website and nab one up quick!

It's an exciting shade from an exciting brand, and I'm definitely going to be purchasing a few products from them in the future. 

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