
notebook blog

The last few Sundays have been dedicated to my '50 Thoughts This Week' posts, however this week I need a proper chat. This week started off well, but sort of ended up sucking in the end. I dunno, a bunch of little things, and then one or two big things; and here we are. The end of the week and I'm just keen to see the back of it to be honest. I think I generally dislike weekends anyway these days, because Gary is in work. I find I deal with the workload, the stress, or any negative thoughts much better when he's around, so the weekends suck.

So yeah I'll be keen to see Monday, have him home, have that support and that person cheering me up again. I'm hoping this week all my constant working will pay off, I'll be totally ahead of schedule and hopefully this will mean I can have one or maybe even two days off for my birthday on Saturday. Fingers crossed. I don't even want to do much. I want to see my family, I want to just hang out with Gary. I want to spend some time painting, or reading, just for the fun of it. I want to feel calm. I want to spend time to look and feel pretty. I want to bake. I want to rest. I can't wait for the day where there is nothing on my to do list.

Not sure how I'd fit all that into two days to be honest, haha. But here's hoping.

I did have two friends this week who went out of their way for me, and were there for me even though they didn't have to be, and I really appreciated this. I don't think either of them read this blog (kinda relieved) but thanks to them anyway. It helped a lot.

I started my bullet journal this week, and I know you're probably sick of hearing about this trend already, sorry. It's helped me though. Before I was using 5 or 6 journals/organisers and now I've put everything into one, which helps SO much. I have a lot of things I rely on keeping in notebooks, like a calender, day to day tasks, upcoming events, blog ideas, advertisers, sponsored posts details, creative ideas, design schedule and much, much more. It took me hours to put all into one journal. To be honest, I ignored all the typical bullet journal 'rules' or guides and did my own thing. The only reason I was so keen to try it was because it was the answer to all my problems. All those other journals didnt quite have everything I needed for me to put them all in one book. So now it's solved; I bought a blank journal and I've organised it all into one myself. Awesome. I feel so much better already. Plus getting to decorate it has been fun, obviously.

I'm also really trying to make healthier choices lately. Before you think too highly of me, let me reassure you I'm still an awful, terribly unhealthy person who makes awful choices. Boo. But I've started taking baby steps to help myself. I've found in the past if I try to make big changes all in one go, it never works for me. So now I'm taking tiny, wee steps. Thanks to Claire's recommendation, I downloaded Plant Nanny - a water tracking app with an incentive to keep drinking, or else your adorable plant will DIE. Yeah, pure guilting me into drinking more water. It's working, I love it. I've also been eating more fruit too, trying to replace a bad snack every now and again. I never have any problem with vegetables, I enjoy them. But I've never been a big fruit lover, so I'm trying to change that. Also smoothies help with this. Anyway, the next steps are to keep up regular yoga, go for more walks, and try to find healthier meals. The problem there is I'm TERRIBLE at cooking. Like, really really. And I just can't think of meal ideas, so I'm gonna head to Pinterest for inspiration. Wish me luck!

Anyway, that's where I am right now. I feel tired, and I'm tired of being tired. Let's hope next week is better.

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