Happy Things, New Challenges & Life This Week

Last week was so great, woohoo! I even said that woohoo out loud as I typed then, Sabrina style. But it really was a good week, and I'm feeling super inspired and motivated now. As you may know, it was my birthday on Saturday, and the best thing about this was taking a day off from all work. Yeah, really! I got some lovely gifts from people that made me smile so much (including my brand new snazzy Instax cam- Thank you Gary!) but I was most excited to just have some time off to do nothing

We shopped and bought pretty things, we watched movies and binged on Greys Anatomy, we baked cupcakes and got a little tipsy on wine, I took a bubble bath and started a new book (Career of Evil by Robert Galbraith if you're interested) and I just basically had the most relaxing day ever. It was perfect. It was exactly what I needed and it's helped me feel totally recharged to attack this week.

Gary and I also launched a project we've been meaning to for ages - we started our podcast! It's called 'The Odd Pear' and it's basically me and him chatting total bollocks for about 45 minutes. Each week we'll be talking about different topics and giving you our weird and random thoughts to listen to. It's just a fun project for us to do, and we're really excited about it; but we'd love if you listened! You can find us on itunes or Soundcloud or even follow us on Twitter. I'm feeling SO positive about this project, and I'm sure I'll cover this in better detail in another blog post soon. But yeah, this was a great part of last week.

My bullet journal is going really well, it's totally saved my life lately. In fact, to be honest I've been using mine in such a way that I'm not even sure it counts as a bullet journal. I'm going to do a full post on this soon to share it, and see what you guys think. But anyway, it's super organised, helpful and CUTE. I've been using all my colourful washi tapes and stickers!

Other great things that happened this week? The weather has been getting warmer and I've been wearing even more colourful clothes than usual and feeling great about it. Maybe I'll share some photos one day, we'll see. I also picked up some fab new makeup products, including MAC Angel which I've decided is my favourite shade for Spring.

Anyway, I'm gonna go indulge in another chapter of my book now!
How was your week guys? Did you so anything nice at the weekend? Let me know!

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