30 Days Social Media Challenge

30 Day Challenge social media

There's nothing I love more than a good old 30 day challenge, they're so fun! If you follow me on Pinterest, you'll know that I actually have a board just for 30 day challenges. They're my thing. 30 days seems like a great amount of time to try something new, shake up a routine, or battle a challenge. It's not too long that it seems impossible, but it's enough of a challenge to to pique your interest, or it is for me anyway.

So since I have this obsession anyway, I thought why not make my own?! But what to do it on....? Social media of course. I live and breathe social media, which makes this perfect for me. But there are areas of social media I'd love to improve, or try new things on too. Plus sometimes it's just a great excuse to change up a routine and have some fun, which I think I definitely need right now.

So, fancy joining in this challenge with me? You'll find a list of daily challenges below, so feel free to pick and choose them as you like. And even if you guys don't do them all, that's fine. Maybe this will simply give you some ideas for different social media techniques you could use, or new things to try.
Either way, have fun with it!

1. Pinterest boards - today is the day to tidy them up, make new ones, delete ones you no longer want/like and organise them completely. Try to make specific ones too. So rather than just 'Fashion' maybe split up boards of Spring fashion/Autumn fashion and so on? Also, arrange your BEST and most favourite boards at the very top of your Pinterest, so they are the first thing new audiences see.

2. Twitter chats - find one to join in on today! Get really involved, answer every question, reply to as many of other people's answers as possible, and welcome anyone you see joining. If you can join in more than one chat, even better!

3. Get interactive on Instagram - Today isn't about posting (although great if you do!). Today is about being social on this network. Like at least a handful of photographs every few hours, comment on as many photos as possible, find new people to follow, and regularly give people compliments/positive feedback.

4. Snapchat every hour - Try to share your whole day on snapchat, by posting something every hour, whether it's a photo, video or doodle.

5. Youtube - Aim to comment on at least 5 videos today. Giving feedback is nice!

6. Facebook - Make a positive album. Fill an album with something you love - it could be blog photos, family photos, letters/cards you've received over the year, your artwork, anything! Make an album that simply makes you smile, and share it with all your Facebook friends.

7. Tumblr - Don't have a Tumblr? Set one up today, see what you think. Already got one? Schedule a post to go out every hour today, and keep your feed nice and busy for your followers.

8. Explore Bloglovin - Take an hour to really scroll through your Bloglovin feed. Save posts you want to keep and explore the popular posts for more.

9. Take action on Pinterest - Find one of those DIY ideas, or beauty hacks pins you've probably got hundreds of - and finally get around to trying it! Today is a day for DOING. Find inspiration and get going!

10. Support on Twitter - Retweet 10 things from others today. Help out a friend promoting something, and help them get more followers!

11. Keep up on Snapchat - Catch up with your friends, and all their stories! Bonus points if you comment on their snaps too.

12. Workspace Periscope - Share your workspace through a live periscope! Even if it's just the bed/the place you lounge out; show us!

13. Get yourself out there with Youtube - Record a video today - be brave! Whether it's a vlog, a video with your best friend or reviewing a product - put yourself out there.

14. Instagram happiness - Share 3 photos throughout the day of things that make you happy.

15. Pinterest madness - Can you challenge yourself to pin at least 50 things today? 

16. Twitter self promotion - Don't be afraid to promote yourself. Schedul at least a tweet every 2 or three hours promoting your blog/Youtube/other social media, etc.

17. Snapchat others - Take a photo of everyone you speak to today and share it on Snapchat. Ask their permission of course...

18. Facebook family - Take the time to message a relative on Facebook and see how they are, even the annoying ones...

19. Periscope facts - Do a periscope sharing 20 facts about yourself, and make them as random as you like!

20. Bloglovin friends - Find at least 5 more blogs to follow on Bloglovin today. See what posts your friends are saving, and explore the categories!

21. Twitter happiness - Today share something every hour that makes you happy!

22. Blue Instagram - Share photos of anything blue you see today.

23. Promotional pinning - Make a board specifically to pin promotional images/links for your own blog/youtube.

24. Tumblr Connect - Link up your Instagram to your Tumblr account and start feeding though your photos so you always have content going up!

25. Twitter friends - Follow at least 5 new people today, and talk to them!

26. Snapchat meals - Snap everything you eat or drink today.

27. Instagram fashion - Take photos of your outfit and accessories today.

28. Periscope - Do a scope about your favourite books, and give out recommendations.

29. Facebook Page - Dont have one yet for your blog/youtube? Set one up and schedule regular updates!

30. Twitter quiz - Do a twitter quiz using polls on any subject you want (Harry Potter, blogging, fitness?) and make your feed fun and interactive for everyone.

Have fun guys!

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