8 Ways To Get Excited About Autumn

As you all probably know; Autumn is my favourite season, and I'm super excited to embrace this time of year with open arms. I started embracing it from September first actually, even though technically it's not Autumn until the 22nd. But who cares, eh?

Today I thought I'd share with you guys some of the ways I've been embracing that Autumn feeling, and how you can get into the seasonal spirit yourself. I hope you enjoy!

8 Way to feel Autumnal-

1. Plan out your key Autumn outfits - buy some cute scarves, the perfect rainy day coat, and a bunch of jumpers/cardigans!

2. Start a seasonal scrapbook! Try to take photos often to highlight the most 'Autumnal' moments; rain hitting the windows, the fire burning, fireworks in the sky, leaves on the ground, and whatever else you can think of!

3. Get creative! There are amazing DIY's on Pinterest for leaf bunting and other Autumnal themed projects.

4. Make sure your home is Autumn ready. Think candles, fairy lights, throws, blankets, acorns and pumpkins!

5. Alter your normal day to day makeup with an Autumnal twist! Add some berry lips, darker eyes, and embrace the deeper/darker look.

6. This is the time of year to embrace staying inside. Write out all the rainy day activities you'll take advantage of during this season. I have a post on 35 Rainy Day Activities which may help.

7. Adorn your calendar/journals with Autumn stickers. I happen to know someone who provides them ;)

8. Give your blog an Autumnal makeover! Perhaps change your blog theme/header slightly to look more in tune with the season? Mustards/plums/forest greens are all great shades to embrace!

I hope you guys are feeling more Autumnal already, I know I am :)
Let's enjoy this wonderful season and make the most if it. If you have any other tips, please feel free to leave them in the comments below!

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