Friday Five #10

Five tattoos I want;
1. My thumb tats; a crescent moon and a planet on each. (I'm getting these for Christmas!)
2. Adventure time characters down my legs
3. A kawaii/My Little Pony mash-up.
4. A cute ghost (probably on my thigh).
5. An alien (not sure where yet).
Five shows I love;
1. Dexter
2. Parks and Rec
3. The Office
4. How I Met Your Mother
5. Criminal Minds
Five things I bought this week;
1. The cutest MLP pj's.
2. The softest scarf & gloves (Greys & pastels are my thing this year).
3. A new patch for my tote bag.
4. Glitter gel pens (because why not).
5. Stickers (because I'm always buying stickers).
Five promises about this blog;
1. I'll always be honest
2. I'll always post at least once a week.
3. I'll always be creative.
4. I'll always be myself (includes swearing sorry).
5. I'll never force it.
Five blogs I love;
Have a great weekend guys!
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