Eight Things I've Learned About Blog Events

2015 Was my first year going to blog events, and it's been a crazy good, eye opening experience. I've gone to around seven or eight now I think (that's actually pretty good considering we're only in September eh?) and each one has been different, fun and lovely for a variety of reasons. I feel like I've learned a bunch of things about blog events/meet ups now that might benefit any newbies or anyone who has yet to attend their first. 
So sit back, enjoy, and let me dish out all the details for ya...

1. Everyone is in the same boat.

Whether it be fretting about your outfit, feeling nervous, or worrying about not knowing anyone beforehand; everyone feels the same! The amount of times I've been at events and got chatting to people, only for them to say, 'Oh I'm so relieved people are so friendly, I worried about being alone!' or something along those lines is countless now. It's reminded me each time that we all share the same silly little worries, so try to enjoy yourself! It'll all be fine.

2. Not everyone is gonna dress like they're doing an OOTD.

This one was a major one for me. I was like, 'oh god everyone's gona look so stylish and I'll be boring'. Don't get me wrong, people always look nice, and I make an effort myself; but nobody looks like they've just dropped out of a magazine, so calm down! Whether you're comfortable in jeans and a tee, a pretty dress, or you wana rock a jumpsuit; it's all good. In fact, bloggers are probably the most understanding/diverse crowd of fashion examples.

3. They're probably the most fun thing ever.

I've now gotten to the point where I'm actively looking for new events/meet ups to attend all the time! I enjoy meeting other bloggers and having these new experiences so much that I'll go out of my way to travel to them too. When I started this blog, I didn't realise just how social it would make me; which is pretty surprising. You get to meet people you've spent months chatting to on Twitter, go to fun places, chat with brands, and even go home with a fab goody bag sometimes!

4. You will forget someone's name.

It's something we all dread, but at some point you will find yourself in conversation with someone whose name you have totally forgotten. Oops. Don't worry about it! Honestly, we have all had this unfortunate incident happen to us. Either be 100% honest and just say, 'Sorry what was your name again, I'm totally crap at names and feel awful!' - this one actually goes down alright and usually gets a laugh, or a nod of understanding. OR, you could just carry on the conversation avoiding saying their name, and hope you can ask someone else ASAP (or check their twitter/blog!).

5. You feel really comfortable with these 'strangers'.

This one's so weird, but awesome. After all you are technically strangers to any new bloggers you meet, but if you've followed each other on Twitter/Bloglovin/etc for a while; it doesn't feel like that. You already know a little about them, and because you share the same hobby you've always got something to talk about which is so helpful. There's a connection there you know you already have with everyone else attending, and it really helps you feel at home. Because of this I've happily agreed to drinks/going for meals with these people I've only known an hour; and isn't that just sort of amazing really?

6. Time goes so quick.

Three hours feels like one to me, at almost every event I've been to so far. Where does the time go?! One minute I'm all, 'Hi Im Jemma!' the next I'm waving goodbye as I wander off with my goody bag. You'll probably won't realise how quickly time goes at these things if you haven't been to one yet, but they do!

7. You should make the most of this opportunity.

Meet ups and events are a chance to really connect with other people just as passionate about blogging as you are, and a great way to make lifelong friends. Not only that, but a lot of the time brands are also at these shindigs too, and chatting with them is a fabulous way to network, and get your blog out there. Sometimes it's just a way to improve your confidence when talking to brands, other times it's a way of ensuring you're on their radar. Make the most of this opportunity to make a personal connection with them!

8. You'll be left feeling brilliant.

Once you've got home after any event, you'll realise just how awesome it was that you got to do this. You'll have done something really brave, interesting, most likely had fun, made new friends and established yourself a little more into the blogging community. Well done you! 

So there you have it, my pearls of wisdom so far when it comes to blogging events.
Have you been to any events yet? Let me know!
You can also read about my most recent blog event here.

Thanks guys!
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  1. I'm so glad I read this post! I've made a list of goals I want to achieve before the year is out and attending a blog event is number one! I feel really reassured about the whole thing now that I've read this. Hopefully see you at a Liverpool one soon! :) xxx

  2. Yes yes yes to all of this! I love blog events now and my confidence has grown so much as a result of setting foot through that first door. I love that it's so inclusive and that everyone is so damn lovely! xx
    Laura | www.lovedbylaura.com

  3. Yes yes yes to all of this! I love blog events now and my confidence has grown so much as a result of setting foot through that first door. I love that it's so inclusive and that everyone is so damn lovely! xx
    Laura | www.lovedbylaura.com

  4. Yes yes yes to all of this! I love blog events now and my confidence has grown so much as a result of setting foot through that first door. I love that it's so inclusive and that everyone is so damn lovely! xx
    Laura | www.lovedbylaura.com

  5. This post came at jut the right time for me! I'm off to my first event tomorrow and I'm so nervous about my outfit! Everyone's talking dresses and I'm like "not got one!!"

  6. I remember you talking about your first event and now look at you! I haven't been to any, I would like to but haven't come across any I can attend. I'm also a little wary because I've not had a good experience in the past. When I did a ski season I was talking to one of the girls I'd be working with beforehand online. We talked loads and got on well. But when we actually spoke in resort in person it was very awkward!!
    I'm sure it wouldn't be like that but I'll always have it in the back of my mind!

    Amy at amynmore.co.uk

  7. I remember you talking about your first event and now look at you! I haven't been to any, I would like to but haven't come across any I can attend. I'm also a little wary because I've not had a good experience in the past. When I did a ski season I was talking to one of the girls I'd be working with beforehand online. We talked loads and got on well. But when we actually spoke in resort in person it was very awkward!!
    I'm sure it wouldn't be like that but I'll always have it in the back of my mind!

    Amy at amynmore.co.uk


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