Comic Review: 3 Parts Mad

Every now and again I'm lucky enough to have something particularly special make it's way through my mailbox. Recently this was a beautiful collection of artwork, stories and poetry, in the form of unique and impressive comic; '3 Parts Mad'. This comic is written by Josh Moorby and illustrated by Sarah Docker. You guys might already know I'm a comic book fan, so I was excited to add to my collection.

Upon receiving this comic in the mail, I felt like I'd been gifted with something incredibly special. The packaging and presentation were all beautifully done, with every detail showing how much hard work and care had been taken, to ensure each one was perfect.

3 Parts Mad is made up of short stories, poetry, flash fiction and stand alone art. Sarah and Josh have created something different to show their unique talent, and prove that creativity is not exclusive in any way. From the way the comic is illustrated, (all hand drawn/painted without digital creation), to the range of varied content; 3 Parts Mad is an assemblage of very unique art forms celebrated in the one package.

I found this comic almost seductive in the way it pulled me in and held my interest. I found it fascinating turning each beautiful page (printed on amazing quality paper I should mention) and discovering something new each time. The raw, messy imagery displays such passion, and is my personal favourite type of illustrative design too.

3 Parts mad is a comic full of promise, heart, raw emotion and creative exploration. I can't wait to see what's next. If you'd like to join this journey and support amazing creatives; you can shop 3PM here, or follow them on Twitter here.

*Comic provided for review, all views 100% my own.

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