Struggling to be spontaneous, while dealing with anxiety.

I'm doing that thing right now, where you write without planning. Do you guys ever do that? It's extremely therapeutic, and I recommend it every now and again if you really just want to vent, have a casual chat or at least try to get across your current feelings. It's kind of nice. So bear with me today.

I'm hoping August is a really good one, filled with lots of joy and little adventures. Last week I had like 3 days in a row where I felt really down, and I couldn't figure out why. It weren't that oh so fantastic time of month where I'm always totes emosh, I had purposely quietened my schedule so I could have some free time, and I didn't have anything that was worrying me. In fact, things were pretty nifty. So what was up?

I think I've come to the realisation that I'm someone who always need to be busy, busy, busy. Whether it's working, blog stuff, seeing friends, going somewhere, doing something... whatever. That to-do list better be filled with stuff each day, or you can guarantee I'll start feeling down. So when I had cleared my schedule, although I really needed it (I'd been getting a tad stressed) I didn't plan anything to fill the gap. And it left me feeling lonely, bored, unfulfilled and super miserable. This isn't the best thing to discover about myself, as I'd like to learn to enjoy downtime obviously. But I think I've figured out a way to help myself a little.

On the fourth day, I made spontaneous plans to go out for drinks after work with my friend Alex. This is something I haven't done in SO LONG. I used to be really spontaneous, and I loved it. But for a while my anxiety has stopped me being my old spontaneous self really, and it's sucked. I worry I'll suddenly feel anxious or upset while I'm out, I panic that it's not pre-planned and I'm not sure what I'll be doing, and I just generally feel like bees are flying around my stomach by not sticking to a plan. Biting the bullet last week and just agreeing to go out after work, even though I knew I'd be tired, only have a small amount of money and have to catch up on social media work when I got home, was awesome. I had such a great time, had plenty of laughs, got too drunk, and seen someone I haven't seen in ages. We've made plans to do it again this week. I was left feeling so happy.

So anyway, I've figured out how to strike the perfect balance, maybe.
I need to schedule 'me' time, when I can do anything or nothing. BUT I also need to make a loose, casual plan for this time too, for things I might want to do during this 'me' time. That sounds super weird and OTT right? I know. But I think having SO MUCH to do for too long gets me stressed, and having NOTHING to do leaves me depressed. So I'm going to always try keep myself busy, even if busy means a scheduled Netflix day or quietly painting by myself. It just seems to help me.

And of course, I'm going to try be more spontaneous and say YES to every drunk adventure I can. It's good for me! Right? Right??

Do any of you have the same issues, needing to be busy or have a schedule all the time?

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  1. Very interesting read! I have moments like that but they are rare because I also keep myself busy at all times (might explain why I am never bored haha). I start to feel down after exams - I know that sounds like the weirdest thing, but when exams are over my life feels like such a black hole. I have no purpose, nothing to do and yet I can do everything! I hope this makes sense :)

    Anyway, love this post!
    Valérie | Moonlit Stories

    1. It does make sense, I completely understand! Finding the balance can be hard! <3 xx

  2. This is some real food for thought. I get anxious if I've got too much on as well and likewise if I plan alone time I can feel alone & abandoned. In fact I've just been signed off for 2 weeks and was into day 2 and my boyfriends been at work then gone to visit family and I haven't felt able to do any of the chores and blog stuff I planned to do and felt sad. This post has made me think about balancing between planning busy days, doing nothing and planning to see friends! X

    1. I definitely know what you mean Emily! <3 Hope you're okay lovely xx

  3. Ahh Jemma, I'm the same! I hate being bored and doing nothing - although sometimes it really is much needed and I feel so better for it afterwards! I also find that if I'm constantly busy I'm super stressed, and if I have nothing to do I'm really bored and sad haha. Finding a happy medium is key - but also very hard! xxx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

    1. Definitely! I need to find that balance and be okay with it! xx

  4. I really like doing nothing sometimes. I can't tell you how many days in College or during the summer I have done nothing, but that's just me. I like to forget about the world around me. I do like to be busy sometimes but it is good to take a break or your life will get too hectic :) I'm glad you found a solution :)

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  5. I have the exact same issue! My anxiety is especially bad at uni and I always find myself scheduling what I'm going to do on my days off, even making lists of what housework I'm going to do that day? I thought I was seriously weird for scheduling all my free time and trying to fill it with lists of things, and I also get all nervous and panicky if there isn't a set plan when doing something spontaneous (kinda stops it from being spontaneous, right?) I'm glad you managed to find your spontaneous self again, enjoy all your drunk adventures!!

    molly x

  6. Totally get where you're coming from. I've been dealing with a ton of stress/anxiety these past few months and I just couldn't figure out why I was feeling so down all the time. My problem though is that when I'm feeling this way, I don't want to go anywhere or do anything which in the end only makes me feel worse. Its a struggle. Glad to hear you've had such a fun time out though!

    Renee | Lose The Road

  7. I really needed this type of post. I struggle to be spontaneous too because of anxiety and if I think "I'll ask them to come out with me and we can do this.." but then my anxiety kicks in and goes "but what if they aren't available? What if they don't want to see me?" etc etc. Even why I do try and be "spontaneous" it never really ends up like that.

    Glad to hear you had a fun time out with your friend!
    Sarah | The Girl with the Winged Liner

  8. I can definitely relate to this post! I struggle sometimes to be spontaneous because my anxiety will kick in and while an idea seems good at the time, sometime soon it'll sink in and I'll feel physically ill! It's not fun!
    Good to hear you managed to have fun without anxiety being a pain!


  9. Love this! Ever since I had to retire, I felt like I had nothing to do! (Not the case! Always housework!:)but im one who needs a routine of just doing "something!" Great post!

  10. This is such a great post! I've been trying to find ways to deal with my anxiety but still have fun ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  11. I'm DEFINITELY like this. I try *so* hard to be spontaneous or stay out a bit later the night before work or just allow myself to let go and enjoy my life but I find it so so difficult to switch off from my anxiety and the thought of not knowing what the plan is or what time I'm meeting someone or who else is going to be there puts me so on edge.
    I also feel like I need to be constantly busy or I spend too much time in my own head, but therefore I do forget to schedule evenings off just for myself. Tonight I'm - weirdly - having a spontaneous me night. I should be blitz cleaning my flat before my first inspection on Tuesday but instead I'm sitting watching TV and blogging and I couldn't be happier about it. xo
    A Manchester Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  12. I desperately needed this post in my life. I find my anxiety flares up the most when I have a busy schedule with things like work or family things but like you my depression flares up when I'm having 'me' time and not doing much. I've started to do a similar thing like yourself where I have a sorta-loose plan for the week then if I feel that I'm simply not up to it there's no pressure or anxiety if I have to cancel anything. This was lovely to read! xx

  13. I suffer from anxiety too, yet I find if I have too much planned I simply can't cope and relapse! Same goes for my depression too! Glad you're starting to find a balance:) xx

  14. I totes get how you're feeling at the moment. Finding the balance is hard - i often run myself down by trying to stay super busy as a distraction and then when i rest i feel so down and depressed and start analysing every aspect of my life. I am also trying to say yes to more things, but like you, anxiety often hinders that xxxxx


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