Sunday Six

Yes that's right. Sunday six!
Those of you with a keen eye may have spotted that on Friday I failed to post my 'Friday Fives', oops! I was so excited to post about my latest DIY, that I completely forgot; truth be told. So I thought I'd make up for it today, with an extra category to boot.
So for one a one off, here's my Sunday Six!

Six things I hate in people;

1. Arrogance.
2. Lying.
3. Whinging.
4. Judgemental attitudes.
5. Snobbiness.
6. Jealousy.

Six things to make me happy this week;

1. People buying my designs.
2. Creating cute illustrations for new products.
3. Making cute jewellery.
4. Periscoping/chatting to friends.
5. Thunder and lightening.
6. New outfits.

Six music artists I've never liked;

1. One Direction.
2. Little Mix.
3. Cheryl Cole.
4. Selena Gomez (I cant even name ONE song tbh).
5. Fifth Harmony (I literally dont even know who they are).
6. Rita Ora.

Six foods I don't like (blehhh);

1. Pie.
2. Tomatoes (unless chopped up).
3. Most fish.
4. Lasagna.
5. Steak.
6. Mushy peas.

Six things I'd do if I were invisible;

1. Steal a bank.
2. Spy on people.
3. Sneak into amazing events.
4. Shop without sales people bugging me, ha!
5. Annoy people I hate.
6. Go running. (BC we all know that's not happening otherwise LOL).

Six blogs you should follow!


Have the best Sunday ever, and bring in Monday with some joy, hope and smiles!

Love you guys.

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