I've Been Shortlisted For Two Awards!!

Wow. That's pretty much how I'm feeling.

If you didn't know already, on Monday the shortlist was announced for each category in the Bloggers Blog Awards set up by the awesome Hayley over at Tea Party Beauty. I was so excited because I'd already been invited to the event in October (thank you Hayleeeyyy!) and I was THRILLED to see who I'd be meeting! Amazing bloggers from all over the country who I admire and adore; what's better than that?!

I won't lie to you, in the past few weeks I'd been hoping I'd get voted. Of course I had! Seriously, who wouldn't? But on Monday as she was announcing the names; I honestly 100% didn't think I'd be shortlisted for anything. I knew the competition out there, and I can't compete. But I didn't even care in the end, I seen everyone's excitement at meeting each other and how brilliantly this has brought everyone together; and I didn't mind at not being voted. I was just lucky to be able to get to go the awards and meet all the people I admire!

And then... Best Upcoming Lifestyle Blog was announced, my notifications went mental and I almost cried at seeing my name amongst the group. HOLY SHIT. I couldn't believe it! I was alone at the time (because Gary was asleep, he works nights) and I couldn't get my energy out to anyone fast enough. I quickly went on Periscope because I was this crazy ball of excitable mess, and just started blabbing about how amazing this was. Somewhere inbetween my five minute squeals, I stopped to look at my Twitter notifications that were building up... and I'd also been announced as shortlisted for Best Social Media Account as well. I couldn't fucking believe it. Sorry for swearing guys, but I cannot quite express what I felt at the time. The amazing thing is, my reaction was 100% caught live on Periscope with over 50 people watching, which I thought was pretty hilarious and relevant for this award. I was screaming, squealing and 'Oh my god!'-ing more times than I can count.

Since then, I've been on cloud nine (also can someone please explain this expression to me? What's so good about cloud nine anyway? And why are they numbered??)
I've been asking everyone I know to vote for me; because you've gotta at least try haven't you? It's not like this sort of thing happens everyday. But in my two categories, I am aware I am up against some AMAZING blogs/people. People who inspire me, people who make me laugh, people who make me stop and think on a regular basis. People I'd be pretty damn happy for if they won, basically.

Who'd have thought this little blog could be involved in something like this eh? Certainly not me. I'm just here most days; chatting away about life, doodling, crafting, or writing about my favourite makeup... it seems crazy.
Anyway... I just needed everyone to know how grateful I am if you voted for me to be shortlisted. I feel like some huge mistake has been made, and I'm not supposed to be in those lists! I'm going to ask once more, if I could I possibly ask you to vote for me? I'd love to feel like I have even a chance at winning something, but I don't expect to at all. On October 3rd, I'm going to be cheering for everyone who wins, and just feeling pretty damn lucky to be there.

You can find the voting survey here at the very bottom of the page.
Thank you!
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1 comment

  1. CONGRATULATIONS BEAUTIFUL. Cannot wait to see what you decide to wear. I'm so sad I can't go it's so far from me so is going to be so expensive 😢😢😢😢

    Party for me!!



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