Style Inspiration

Last week I was browsing some new blogs, having a mooch around to see if I could find some great new reads, when I came across Caroline's blog;
It's clear from the moment you look at Unfancy, it's a style blog only. This usually puts me off, if I'm being completely honest. I love Style posts, I have a strong interest in Fashion and trends, but usually I like my blogs to have something else too. Some beauty posts, lifestyle stories, anything. This is mostly because I feel out of my depth when it comes to Style. I have no self confidence in my own 'style' and kind of believe I don't fit in with the Style bloggers, so I avoid them.
I think I have to explain something. I'm one of those people who acts super confident and outgoing, when inside I'm actually very self conscious and worried I look like sh*t at all times. I have regular freak outs when getting dressed in the morning. I'm not happy with anything in my wardrobe, it takes me ages to get ready even to just pop the local shops, and I've probably snapped at my boyfriend in the process. I'm hellish.
Enter Unfancy. Caroline's blog is based around one simple idea. She creates a 'Capsule Wardrobe' for each Season, 37 pieces to be exact, and wears only those items for 3 months. Sounds a bit weird at first doesn't it? But upon further inspection I've decided it's brilliant. She chooses carefully selected pieces, only things she knows she will wear and love, and mixes and matches them to create wonderful outfits. She has uncluttered all of her wardrobe, and her life in a way. She has gotten rid of every piece of clothing she didn't like, weren't sure of or just didn't ever end up wearing no matter how pretty it was. And we all do that, we all have clothes we don't ever wear and will not wear. Admit it!
Photo credit to

You have no idea how much her idea appealed to me. She had seemed to have gotten rid of that daily 'What to wear?!' problem that I always fuss over so much. Because she had everything simplified and ready to just mix and match, knowing they already go together well and feel great. Oh and knowing that these are carefully selected pieces she will actually wear! I was jealous. Because the problem is, even if I wanted to try this, I don't have the money to spend on a whole new wardrobe (basically) right now. But that doesn't mean it can't inspire me to sort out my own wardrobe issues.

So this past week, I've gone through every piece of clothing I own and thrown away two great big bags of it all. Gone are the pretty dresses that I never wear because I don't actually feel pretty in them, gone are the tops that are too big/too small that were being kept for god knows what reason, gone are the things that I feel like I should keep simply because I spent so much on them. GONE. All of it. And to be honest, I feel exhilarated. I feel all fresh and new, and it's great.
Now, my wardrobe is half empty, but it's space for all the clothes I will be getting in the future. Only clothes that are pretty, comfortable, versatile and that will definitely be worn! I've now got the space to arrange everything much better, less cluttered. All the tops in my drawer are even colour coordinated and laid out lovely!

But the best thing? I've now taken some of Caroline's planning and adjusted it to my own wardrobe and my own problems. Now, once a week I go through my clothing, and plan at least a week's worth of outfits. I think about what plans I have for that week, what I'll need and maybe what the weather will be like (but I do keep a variety of options based on this, because it is England after all). Everything is hanging there, ready to be grabbed quickly and used for each day. It's clothing I love, feels great and looks good together. So I don't have the daily hissy fit of looking in the mirror and not liking what I see. 
I did this all last week, and it was the first time in a long time getting dressed wasn't annoying, upsetting or downright stupid (clothes being flung everywhere, a messy room, etc). And as I write this, I'm planning to get next weeks outfits all planned, hung up and ready to wear. And I love it.
It might sound crazy when you visit Caroline's blog and see what she's done, but look at her outfits. She's making use of all those carefully selected pieces, and she looks great. And even if you don't want to or can't do a new full wardrobe capsule like she has, do what I've done and be inspired by it enough to alter your wardrobe in a way you need. Get rid of the clutter, get to know what clothing you really love and feel better about your wardrobe in general. See only things you love in there from now on :)
As a last little note, I'd also like to say that Caroline's wardrobe appealed to be so much that I realised just how much I like neutrals. I feel so better in neutral colours much more than loud ones, or busy prints. When I cleared out all unwanted clothing and I seen what was left, I shouldn't have been surprised it was mostly neutrals really. So I've learnt something about myself in the process, and will remember this next time I'm shopping. 
Thanks for taking the time to read guys, and be sure to check out Caroline's fantastic blog here.
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