Home Away From Home.

So this week has been mostly a bit of a chilled one, my boyfriend and I enjoying this week together that he has off from work and just taking it easy when we can.

Whilst we were out in town in Liverpool browsing for things, and awaiting to see the new Inbetweeners movie, (which was hilarious by the way) we found a little coffee shop/cafe tucked away in a quieter little space, called 'Home'.

I really enjoyed our little visit here, it was quiet enough that it felt lovely and secluded, but busy enough that we weren't the only one there. It was decorated beautiful and very simple, with local artists work adorning the walls and unique tables and chairs.

The drinks selection was fantastic, and as much as I loved my hazelnut latte, I wish I'd tried one of the special teas they offered. I'll save that for next time maybe. Gary did try a green tea and said it was perfect, and he was given quite a generous amount in a teapot.

The only downside I'd say was the food seemed really quite pricey. Don't get me wrong we seen the portions people were getting, and they did seem to be getting a great amount, but I just wouldn't pay £7 minimum for sandwiches. I weren't hungry so I couldn't even try anything but I'm sure I will next time. 
Because all in all, I was really happy with this little find. I found it charming, pretty and comfortable, and will definitely be going back again.

Would you like to see more posts like this, writing about where I've been visiting lately? Let me know in the comments! :)

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  1. this looks so cute! also i love your blog header :) i'd love it if youd comment back http://www.amyelizabethfashion.com/2014/08/lets-get-naked-detox-bath-salts-from.html xx

  2. Replies
    1. It was really lovely :) So chilled and sweet.x

  3. I wish we had more places like this in the states! It looks so lovely and cozy. Now I want some coffee lol

  4. I love finding new little places like this! I'm also picky about prices and hate "over paying"... Call me cheap lol! Anyways looks like a fun little date :)


  5. it is the cutest place ever! £7 is alot for a sandwich though. I love the decor of it, and I would definitely love to see more posts like this!

    Suitcase and Sandals Blog - Travel, Lifestyle and Fashion xx

  6. sounds like a fun place!


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