Art Journal Pt. 4

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Happy Sunday everyone ^_^
Hope you've all been enjoying the weekend and had a chance to relax a little bit. As usual now, I've been playing away in my Art Journal and have another weekend installment for you guys. As I've said before, this is simply something I like to do, I don't take it too seriously and I simply want to create a whole sketchbook full of work I like. Whether it's drawings, collages, prints, writing. Anything put together in a way I enjoy or am inspired by.
I hope you enjoy too.
This week I was happy about the rain and gloomy weather, as I'm a bit tired of all that sunshine business now! I think that influenced this weeks pages a little, as I was a little more focused on nature and its beauty.

So what do you guys think?
Adding the leaves got me pretty into the idea of doing some pages of only found objects, if I can glue them down! Maybe I'll look into that one soon.
Also, bonus points if you spotted I used one of the prints from this blog post.

Leave your thoughts below ! :)
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  1. Thanks for taking the time to check this out! ^__^ I love posting anything creative! xx

  2. I've seen your latest posts of your creative work on twitter and I have to say you're really talented and it's quite inspiring, at least for me! :-) Guess it isn't a very common hobby these days, is it? I love to look at your creative posts, especially your scrapbook! Gosh.... I wish I could do that Jemma! ;-)

    Greetings from Germany!
    Love, Vroni


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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