Wantables Beauty Box Review

As some of you might know if you follow me on Twitter, I recently won a giveaway by the lovely @MissBeautySaver for a Wantable beauty box. I was thrilled, and immediately went on their website to take the beauty quiz, so they could get to know what products I like/don't like, and then waited impatiently for my package to arrive.

Well, the wait is finally over. It arrived a few days ago, and ever since I've been having fun trying out the lovely products. This is going to be a photo heavy post, as I really want you guys to see the products as best as I can show you.

1. Spellbound Nail Lacquer by Liberty Republic - Really happy with this! They got a perfect shade for me, a vivid, deep pink. The reason I'm so impressed with it is it seriously only needs one coat, and it dries so quickly. This helps someone as clumsy and impatient as me when doing my nails. I always apply it sloppily, and you can bet your life I will smudge it before it dries every single time. But not with this one! The need for only one coat, and the VERY fast drying time reduces the chance of me smudging so much, I was very happy. It looks like someone has applied it carefully and beautifully with great care. You'd never know it was me, har har.

2. Vincent Longo Perfect Gloss in 'Rede' - I love a nice red lip, and they certainly listened to my preferences when packing this. But I'll be honest, this is probably the disappointment of the bunch. Although it felt really nice on my lips (soft and shiny), the overall application and intensity just wasn't right. It didn't seem to apply evenly no matter what I did, once I rubbed my lips together the gloss showed some parts had more on than others. I just couldn't seem to even it out. It was a bit like when a child applies lipstick, it looked clumsy. Now, to be fair I have really dry lips, and it could be that because of that some parts attracted gloss more than others, if that makes sense. But I tried everything, and it just weren't for me really. If I wore this out, I'd be checking the mirror every five minutes to see if it looked uneven or silly.

3. Tarina Tarantino Jewel Shadow Palette 'Delightful' - I love this palette! I beautiful mix of dark and light, Matte and Shimmer, perfect for creating and blending various tones. This makes it perfect for a variety of skin tones too. The pigmentation is amazing, really. Just one small sweep and you have a tonne to work with on your lids. Definitely great value for money! My favourite shade is the light rose/golden one on the right.

4. Three Custom Color Specialists Brow Powder - I love a good brow powder. I definitely prefer it to pencils as I find it softer and more flattering. This little beauty is wonderful. It applies nicely, and it lasted me hours. You know there's nothing worse than worrying your brows will 'disappear' during the day. This gave great 'power brows' without looking like a cartoon. My only teeny issue is that its a dark brown, and right now I'm using a very dark brown/black for my brows since my hair was recently coloured almost black. So I would need to darken this up a bit, but only for now. Once my hair lightens up again this baby is gonna be perfect!

And there we have it. The Wantable Beauty Box perfectly customised to suit your preferences. They also do Accessories and Intimates as options too, and after browsing the website I found you can return any unwanted products which is cool. The products I received alone were worth a hell of a lot more than you'd pay for a box, so that's a good deal tbh.

Have you tried any monthly beauty boxes lately?
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  1. The palette looks beautiful. The shades look perfect for everyday. I got a Wantable Box not that long ago and really liked it. I loved being able to try different brands :)


    1. Its so lovely isnt it! I do like how special it feels to get it all personlised :) x

  2. I love that they put your name inside the box - it makes it feel so much more personal :)

    Hannah @ Beauty Thru Glass

    1. I know how awesome is that! It feels all swish and lovely hehe! :) x

  3. Lovely review!

    The little quad eyeshadow palette looks like it packs quite a punch for it's size and the nail polish also looks fab! A brow powder is always handy for those quick makeup days and it's just a shame about the lip gloss. I can totally see what you mean about it looking streaky from your photograph.

    I'm glad you liked your prize though and don't you just love all of the personalization you get with Wantable?! xx

    The Miss Beauty Saver Blog

  4. I've never heard of this subscription before and it's great it's tailored to you personally.

    I really like your eyeshadow quad, pretty shades :o)

    Emma || emsylou.blogspot.co.uk

    1. I love the eyeshadows, the quality is so good! x

  5. Lovely shade of nail polish!

    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin? I always follow back :)


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