Liebster No.2

As some of you may know, I already received the Liebster back in March when I very first began blogging. But in the past month, I've been nominated for it at least a handful of times again, and since I've changed, and progressed a lot, I thought I might as well do it again for those of you who are maybe new readers :)

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1. How much time do you spend on blogging?
- Quite a bit! Most evenings I'm working on a new post, tweaking my layout or even just chatting to other bloggers on Twitter. I love blogging!

2. What one thing would you change about yourself?
- I need to be more confident and happy with myself. I'm trying.

3. Your dream job.
- If not a huuuugely successful blogger ;) then working for a magazine, or writing in some way.

4. What is your go to makeup item?
- Oh god, everything. Haha. I like my face fully done up. In a rush though.. mascara & lipstick. I'm allowed to choose two okay! Lol.

5. Favorite musician/band.
- Too many. Eminem, The Breeders, Placebo, Foe, Hole, Iggy Azalea, Lykke Li, The Cure, Troye Sivan, Foxes, Marilyn Manson, Pink, Lily Allen, Lady Gaga, Nirvana, Nicki Minaj, Jenny Lewis. I like a lot of music, and it's all different genres.

6. What language(s) do you speak?
- English only. I wish I was super smart, and fluent in Japanese, Italian, French...

7. Dream car.
- Monster truck. (I don't even drive)

8. Favorite food.
- Pizza

9. Do you have a favorite quote?
-  "Live as if you'll die tomorrow", "Start each day with a grateful heart", ~Do more than exist". - I'm inspired by anything that really encourages happiness.

10. What are some beautiful memories from your childhood?
- Driving along the beach in my Dad's car, him basically just letting me turn the wheel.
- A big family holiday to Cyprus, swimming in the sea.
- Christmas times.
This question kinda makes me sad. 
11. What is your purpose of blogging?
- I love to write, and create things. My blog is my little world to get lost in. And I get to talk to other bloggers who inspire and encourage me. It's nice talking to people as passionate as you about the same interests.

12. If you could see anyone in concert, who would it be?
- Eminem, again. The Cure, again. Placebo, again. Ha.
Someone I haven't seen? ... FOE, Gaga, Nicki Minaj. 
13. Which 3 guests, alive or dead, would you have at a dinner party? Why?

- Eminem, I've idolised him since I was a kid. Louise aka Sprinkle of Glitter - Shes just so, so funny and likeable! Umm... maybe Kristen Stewart or Jennifer Lawrence. I seriously heart them both.
14. What is something you learned in the last week?

- Umm... not to read thrillers until 3am. Then you're too scared to sleep.
15. Is love at first sight real?

- Doubt it. I fell in love with my bf though from speaking online/on the phone every day, before I even met him though. So as unconventional as that is, it kinda makes me believe more than ever that you need to get to know someone to love them. And just seeing someone for the first time doesn't seem enough..
16. Do you have any unusual phobias or fears?

- Yes. Apart from the "usual", spiders, heights, etc.. I have trypophobia.
17. What do you think of facial hair on men?

- Love it. I don't like when Gary shaves (like once every 6 months haha).
18. What are you the most proud of?

- Wow.. I've no idea. Maybe just the person who I am? There's a lot I don't like about myself, but I think I'm a good person.
19. What's your least favourite word?

- Moist. Urghh!
20. Have you met any celebrities?

- Only small time. Nothing to write about.

I nominate anyone who reads this! :P

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  1. Nice post, Id love a monster truck lol

  2. Hahahaha Moist!! Worst Word EVER


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