10 Things That Make Me Feel Better After A Shitty Day

Bad days happen to us all unfortunately, and we all have our own ways of dealing with them. Today I thought I'd share with you guys some of my top tips on how I deal with those days that leave me wanting to just get in bed and ignore the world.

Hope it helps!

1. A good moan always help relieve whatever is bothering me; so let it all out! Phone your bestie, rant to the other half while they rub your feet, or simply rant on snapchat; fuck it.

2. Run yourself a hot bath, pop in a bath bomb/some oils, light some candles and relaaaxx. PERFECT.

3. Watching stand up shows always helps me get out of a bad mood. Before I know it I'm laughing my ass off. Faves include Louis CK, Chelsea Peretti, and Chris Rock.

4. Adult colouring books became a fad for a reason; they're awesome. They help me slow down and simply chill, which is sometimes exactly what I need.

5. Organising things sounds super boring, but it's a way to distract yourself and can help. I usually feel good after a good wardrobe clear out, or simply tidying up my dressing table.

6. Indulge in one of your favourite books. Choose something you know and love; something that feels like home. Y'know those characters and stories you adore? Visit them.

7. Fresh bedding, cute pjs, Netflix and comfort food. GO.

8. If Inside Out taught us anything, it's that a good cry can be really great for us sometimes, and well needed. Don't be afraid to let those feelings out.

9. Find someone to hang out with. Whether it's a friend, your mum, or other half; enjoy some good company with someone you love, and your bad day will ease away naturally.

10. Maybe this isn't the best advice, but a bit of retail therapy always makes me feel SO good. Find that sale. There's always one around...

I hope none of you are having a bad day, but huge hugs if you are. I hope tomorrow is much better!

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