Beauty Basics: Hair, Nails & Teeth

I could talk all day about my love for a good highlighter, my obsession with blushers and my favourite lip products. But on the days where I really can't bothered wearing makeup, there are still those basic beauty products that I know and love. The essentials that keep me feeling 'tip top' even on lazy Sundays.

Hair, nails and teeth; my mum always said to look after those three things. And although I might have been naughty and bleached my hair, bitten my nails, and had way to many sugary sweets in my time; there are still fantastic products out there to help me keep them looking good.

Hair -

Osmo Colour Psycho* hair dyes have been my latest love for keeping my bright hair in top condition. I love the formula as it really conditions my hair as I use it, and the vibrant colour it gives me is amazing! Yay for super electric blue lighting up the room haha. The bottles go a long way too, with at least 2 full head applications to each bottle (I have shoulder length hair).

Osmo also have a colour tamer which you can mix with the hair dyes to create your own custom colours! So if I want to mix that electric blue with the colour tamer; I can make myself a pretty pastel blue. It gives so many options for easy, at home, hair colours.

Nails - 

I was lucky enough to receive last month's Nailbox goodies*; a subscription service that sends out a box of 3 or 4 polishes and one or two nail tools each month. They never send out the same polish twice, which means it's a fantastic way to build up a great collection. The August box focused on making the most of the last of Summer; with a sunset theme of colours. However, I've found this range even works for Autumn too, as it included a deep plum/purple, the perfect Halloween orange, a glittery gold, and a beautiful clear white. They also included a nail stamper, which is awesome! I'll be trying out a range of looks using this cute little tool.

Teeth - 

And finally, getting those pearly white teeth we all dream of. This past month I've been using one of the Nano whitening kits* to keep my teeth looking their best, and I'm really impressed with the range! The best product by far is the whitening toothpaste, as I seen instant results, and after using for three weeks I can confidently say has completely changed my teeth at least two shades whiter. Woo! Definitely worth exploring the range, as they also offer a fantastic mouthwash too. I feel more confident when my teeth are looking whiter, so I'm a huge fan.

What about you guys? What beauty staples do you recommend?
Thanks for reading! :)

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Any product marked with * contains PR sample or is sponsored content.
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