20 Thoughts About Blogging

A post for all the blog related things I often think to myself, or have at least been thinking lately.

1. Blogging has totally given me a crazy social media addiction. It's awful, and yet I love it. I don't care if I'm that annoying cow Instagram-ing every meal and tweeting until the wee hours of the night, I ROCK IT.

2. I'm constantly inspired by the writings of others, it's amazing.

3. I love that I've started doing Youtube, it's literally just for fun though. Blogging will always have my little heart.

4. I wonder how things will change in the next 5 years for blogging? Hmm...

5. There'll always be some drama, somewhere. That's nothing to do with blogging though, it's human nature.

6. I really dislike when some people jump into online arguments. Not the people having a disagreement in the first place, but you know the others who take it upon themselves to jump into the drama every time? I just get really bored of that tbh. (Unless it's when someone looks like they're being bullied, or something equally justifiable, obviously!)

7. My favourite type of blog posts to read are the rambly, chatty ones where people just share what they're up to or chat about the things they like.

8. I hate when bloggers I love don't schedule tweets. I want you to remind me about your posts! Haha.

9. There are blogger groups everywhere; this isn't always a bad thing! Just interesting. It's human nature I guess. I name them sometimes... like, there's the 'sort of posh, but lovely bloggers who hang together in London', the 'super model-ly type of bloggers', the 'sassy babes who are always quick on the gossip on Twitter' and so on.

10. There are so many blogs out there with a tiny readership, that are so talented, witty, exciting and wonderful - and I don't understand it at all.

11. I really can't read blogs with terrible, distracting layouts.

12. I think everyone's a little too sensitive lately.

13. When a blogger I love stops writing, I feel like a friend I love has packed up and moved away and stopped sending me letters. What inconsiderate bastards! ;)

14. I worry about the blogging community dying out, because I'd be lost without it.

15. My mum still doesn't really understand what blogging is, why I do it, or why the hell anyone cares, LOL. (She doesn't mean this nasty, she just doesn't understand!).

16. I dislike when a blog is just reviews. I want personality, snippets into your life, and creativity! But that's just me.

17. I try to imagine what I'd be doing if I had no blog. What would I do with all that spare time??! What did I used to do? I think I wasted a lot of time just watching TV, oh dear.

18. A honestly think starting a blog is one of the best things anyone can do, whatever your interests. It encourages writing and creativity, plus opens you up to a whole community of like-minded people.

19. I will never read all the blog posts on my Bloglovin feed, I've accepted that.

20. It's the best damn thing I ever did, starting this blog. I love it!

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