20 Things I Know About Life

I'm in my late twenties, and I'm hoping by now I've learned a thing or two about life. Of course, I can only learn things from my own experiences and point of view, but I hoped to share with you guys today 30 things I know to be true about life. Or, my life, to be more specific.

1. It goes too damn quick. (Seriously I was 17 like 5 minutes ago, what happened??)

2. It's not fair all the time.

3. You won't always know what you're doing. In fact, it'll be a rare blessing if you do.

4. It's okay to waste a weekend watching Youtube videos and binging on Netflix.

5. People are only human.

6. The Little Mermaid is the best Disney film ever. (I await arguments in the comments eagerly.)

7. Kindness can change lives.

8. We all like to think we're good people; but we've probably screwed someone over at least once. (Learn from it.)

9. New challenges keep us motivated.

10. You won't like everyone.

11. Not everyone will like you.

12. Don't obsess over changing this, it will waste time and energy.

13. Taking the time to really thank people who help/support you is important.

14. Chocolate and a cup of tea can solve almost anything.

15. You will never ever have enough time with your family. Treasure them.

16. Friendships break up, burn out, fade. That's ok.

17. You probably need to drink more water.

18. The best opportunities can come disguised as something else. Really look for them.

19. You'll probably never have a truly 'Pinterest worthy' life. That's not a bad thing.

20. Happiness is the most important thing in life.

What have you learned?

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