Travel Wishlist / That Time I Almost Booked Plane Tickets Drunk

Can I share a little confession with you guys? There's one type of blog I never really read (save for a special one or two at most) - and that's travel blogs. It's not that I'm not interested, or that I don't like them; in fact it's for the opposite reason... it kills me. I love them. But I get so effing jealous seeing where other people are flying off to, while I'm stuck here in little ol' Liverpool again. I can't bear to see your latest holiday snaps, your recent month long trek around the rainforest or hear about the moment where you really got lost 'in a moment' on top of a mountain.

I want to live it myself, I want to travel all around the world. I hate the thought of living a boring life stuck in one place, so I've promised myself (as boring as this is) I'll save time and money to ensure a good trip every single year. I figure that's doable, and better than nothing. And no, cheap beach holidays to Spain aren't going to cut it. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'm after something a little different.

I have quite a few places on my list already, but one that really stands out is travelling to Italy. I've still never been, despite it almost happening so many times! There was a time when a friend and I planned on travelling all around Italy, and we even got as far as paying a deposit in the first hotel we planned on staying at, in Venice I believe. It never happened though... life happened and we just never really got around to it.

Another time, years ago; I was hanging out with two of my closest guy friends and we were getting pretty drunk. Just your average teenage emos being stupid and hanging out at home on a Thursday night. Anyway, at one point somehow the conversation turned to taking a trip together, booking flights to Italy, devouring pizza and ice cream on our travels - and what better way to decide this than when totally drunk right? I insisted I had the money, I could book it. We were just a few clicks away from booking the most spontaneous, random trip ever when we realised we needed passport details to confirm. Gutted. I didn't have my passport details nearby, nor could I have read them in my drunken stupor anyway. So the trip didn't happen, but we had quite a few laughs remembering this back over the years. How we 'almost' went there together.

As funny as it is, I wish we'd have pulled it off! I wish it had happened. Because not only would I have got to go to Sicily, one of the places I've wanted to visit most; but I'd have gotten some amazing, hilarious memories with friends out of it too. I love spontaneous plans, and this would have been the ultimate. Maybe it's not too late... but maybe I'll try organise it sober this time?

If you have a place you want to travel to, something you want to do this year, a friend you need to catch up with, or a goal you want to conquer - do it now! You might not get that chance again. I really want 2016 to be the year I start being more determined, and doing everything on my bucket list.

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