The Cutest Little Giveaway With Getting Personal

glass gift token

gift token valentines

Remember a few days ago I was spouting about making Valentines for everyone this year? Well, I weren't kidding guys, I really am determined to spread some love to everyone close to me this year. For starters, obviously Gary and I are gonna be like Cupid on crack, as per usual. But I'll also be gifting some of my friends wherever I can (even if it's just a card, some chocolates, etc!) and making sure my nearest and dearest feel loved.

With that in mind, the glass token above from Getting Personal was the perfect little addition to my little pamper hamper I'm creating for my Mum. I really want to make my mum feel special this year, and know just how loved she is. A few years ago my Dad died, and obviously this has left us feeling like we have a hole that will never be filled again. I realised that Valentines must be extra hard for my mum, with constant reminders that people are with their loves, and she's not. To be honest even just typing that has made me tear up a little, as I cannot bear the thought of my mum carrying such sadness. So this year, I hope to shower her in so much love she will feel happy and appreciated, and maybe even comforted.

I'd like to thank the guys over at Getting Personal, for allowing me to add such a wonderful touch to Valentines Day - especially Cleo! Nothing was asked of me in return, and it really felt like such a lovely act of kindness that I wanted to share with you guys. When I mentioned this, they offered me the chance to run a giveaway for you lovely readers; and I obviously jumped at the chance!

So today guys and gals, I'd like to offer you the chance to win one of your one special Getting Personal glass tokens. Whoever wins can choose from one of the exclusive ones shown below, and use it to spread a little love this Valentines Day!

The giveaway will run until Sunday 7th, and winner will be chosen at random using Rafflecopter. This is open internationally and I will get in touch with the winner by Twitter/Email as soon as announced. If the winner doesn't respond within 12 hours, I will move on and choose another winner. I'd like to get the winner confirmed as quick as possible, so that the guys over at Getting Personal can get this posted out on time for Valentines!

Best of luck everyone, and remember to spread some love! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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