Five Favourite Lifestyle Blogs

lifestyle blogs
Not to be dramatic, but this was probably one of the hardest posts I've wrote in a long time! Yes, really! I found it so, so hard to choose five lifestyle blogs I consider the best of the best. Lifestyle is my favourite category in blogging, and I have many blogs bookmarked that I visit frequently. I narrowed the list down to 9, and I knew I had a problem. I decided to take out anyone I didn't consider 'as lifestyle-y' as the others, or anyone who I knew could go in another list in future. For example, there were two blogs I took off the final five, because even though I ADORE them; I'm going to put them a list of '5 blogs that inspire me' sometime.

So I finally got it down to five. These are five lifestyle blogs I love to indulge in when I really need a great read; a blog to get me thinking, to make me see something in a new way, or make me laugh out loud.

I hope you enjoy!

Being Erica.
Erica's blog is bursting with colour, personality and eloquent writing. She shares her life, her outfits, what's making her happy, what places/restaurants she's been visiting around London, and a bit of everything really! I love her writing as it's professional and witty, yet it feels as if you're catching up with an old friend still. Erica always seems to be out and about trying new things, and being taken along the journey with her is awesome.

Corinne is someone who posts every single day (and has done for a long time, wow!) and it's always amazing content. The kind of posts that make you laugh, are relatable, help you (especially some amazing blog tips) and leave you always wanting more. Her blog has become one of my absolute favourites over the past year and I even have it bookmarked on my browser!

Love From Be.
Be's blog is BEAUTIFUL. It's the kind of blog I always want mine to be! It's pretty, it's so creative with regular DIY posts, it's fun and thoughtful. Be herself has become one of my favourite people, and her blog always leaves me inspired in some way. I love her writing and how she expresses herself, and I think that you guys will love her too.

Witch Cake.
Have you ever admired a blogger so much that you almost swell with pride if they even tweet you? That's how I felt about Holly. I discovered her blog by sheer accident early last year, looking up inspiration for collage art, then BOOM! Holly's blog filled my screen and I never looked back. These days I'm lucky enough to consider her a close friend and ally. I can tell her anything and everything (and have!), and I STILL see her as a huge inspiration in so many ways. She is a goddess. I will forever fangirl over her. The reason you'll love her? She's creative as fuck, she writes beautifully, and she talks about things that no one else does.

Blooming El.
El is someone whose blog always leaves me feeling refreshed and rejuvenated; almost as if my brain has been given a shake up. In a good way! She shares her memories, her routines, her daily life, her thoughts and feelings on all sorts of subjects, has beautiful photography skills and one of the kindest souls around. Her posts are full of the kind of things I always think about, but never realise. It's like she puts things into words that I can't, and she adds some fun into anything she does.

A LIL DISCLAIMER: All these bloggers mentioned, are people I consider friends. This is because I have either met them, chat to them often, or have built up a friendship with them in some way. This isn't however at all why they are top of my list. Even though there would be nothing wrong with that, I wanted to shout from the (blog) rooftops about how amazing they are; regardless of how lucky I am to be 'friends' with them - because they ROCK.

They're a good bunch, give them a click.

Who are your favourite Lifestyle bloggers?

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