Skincare: PMD Personal Microderm

skincare PMD personal microderm

skincare PMD personal microderm
 skincare PMD personal microderm

*PMD Personal Microderm - RRP £150 available here.

If you're anything like me, you love the idea of beautiful skin (obviously) but sometimes have no idea where to start. There are so many brands, products, treatments and steps that it's really hard to know what is best for you and your skin if you aren't an expert. 

So when PMD recently got in touch with me asking if I'd like to try the Personal Microderm, I knew had to do a little research first. I'd read about them on the blog of the lovely Charlotte already, and was wowed by the results she had experienced. When I visited the PMD website and read into the treatment a little more, it sounded to me like it was really flexible with how you use it, and because of the various exfoliating discs, it could be used on a whole variety of skin types which was great. So I decided to give it a go and say yes.

The complete kit comes with seven exfoliating discs of various sizes and sensitivity, the handheld device and even a DVD with a video thoroughly explaining how to use it; great for someone as clueless as me! Using exfoliation with a vacuum suction to diminish the appearance of blemishes, fine lines, wrinkles and enlarged pores; it's quite an impressive device. I was mostly excited to really exfoliate my skin and clear out my pores; something I regularly obsess over!

I'll be honest with you straight away; using this feels really weird. You have to hold your skin taut in the chosen area, and swoop the device across the skin in a constant motion; never doing the same are more than once. You can feel the suction pulling at your skin as you do this, which is a very odd sensation, but definitely not painful or unpleasant in any way. Imagine using a teeny, tiny hoover across your skin, that's what it's like! The other strange thing is that your skin is dry during this process. Having been so used to trying to products or treatments using oils, creams, cleansers etc, it's actually fascinating using a product this way.

I've been using this product mostly on my face as this is the area I am most self conscious about, however I have also tried this on my legs and found it to be just as successful there too. The PMD Personal Microderm really makes my skin feel smoother, and just, well... cleaner!? I'm not saying it wasn't clean anyway of course (cheeky!), but this super little device really makes me feel as if I've given my skin a thorough treat. After 2 weeks of using this I can already notice a big difference in the visibility of the pores on my face, and as an added bonus; the dry skin on my nose seems to have cleared up too! Awesome.

This little baby swoops in at £150, which to me is quite a lot of money to be honest. I know I wouldn't have gone out and bought this myself. However, now that I've seen the results and experienced it's magic for myself; I can confidently say that this price is extremely cheap considering all that it does and the quality it provides. I don't think I could bear going back to dry skin and pores that are painfully obvious from down the street! So yes, PMD has made a fan out of me.

Would you ever try the PMD Personal Microderm?

*Product provided for review

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  1. This sounds really good, I've had the professional treatment before and that was way overpriced and this sounds identical, worth an investment

  2. I have never heard of something like this before but it sounds cool. I would definitely love to give one a trial run!
    Tegan xx - Permanent Procrastination
    Btw check out my sweet Lightbox Giveaway if you haven’t already!

  3. Wow, I'd love to try this. I've always been so aware of my pores and I think they're pretty unsightly. I'd love to give this a go, I'm always very wary of things like this but if it worked then £150 would definitely be worth it. Thanks for the honest review! xx

    Sophie Elizabeth


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