Inspiration Moodboard: KAPOW

Inspiration Moodboards? Yeah, they're my thing.

inspiration moodboard colourful tumblr

This is my first inspiration moodboard I've done in absolutely ages, and I'm so happy I got the chance this week. Making these allows me to let some creativity out in a simple way, even when I'm too tired to draw or pick or a paintbrush. It also inspires me for other projects, and provides an endless source of motivation and ideas.

This one is a visual representation of everything I'm feelin' lately. Bold colours, clashing prints, cheesy/kawaii styles. Almost 90's in a way, 'comic-y'. I feel like it's very Tumblr. I love it.

I'm going to be start printing all my moodboards and hanging them up around my desk, for ultimate inspiration bursts. I'll probably share some photos when I eventually get around to this.

So what do you guys think?
And what's been inspiring you lately?

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  1. I love this. I want to start one for traveling.

    xoxo Sara

  2. This is so bright & colourful, just like you! I used to love doing things like this when I had free time during sixth form! I wish I had more time to be a little more creative.
    Bee xxx

  3. Love this! i love making mood boards too :)

  4. I LOVE this. Such a good idea for a desktop background too! x

    Martha Jane |

  5. I love this, always admire your creativity! share your talent plsss!!

  6. The moodboard is you all over! At least, what I know and associate with you online. Kawaii, colourful and creative! Instagram is forever inspiring me!

  7. This is so cute! Thank you for the inspiration ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  8. Love this! How do you create moodboards?


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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