International Panic Day

Yes, it's international panic day. I know, it's a bit ridiculous.
I don't know who decides on these things, or how its supposed to be relevant to anything..
But! I thought, as someone who personally suffers very regularly from stress, panic attacks and anxiety, 
why not turn this day around by using it as an excuse to do the opposite?
1. Take a long hot bubble bath.

2. Listen to music that cheers you up. Mine would be The Cure :)

3. Organise your wardrobe. I love having a good clear out and sorting through all 
my clothes and arranging them.

4. Go for a run or get on your bike and beat the stress that way.

5. Go shopping. There's a reason it's called retail therapy ;)

6. Plan a trip or an event. Something to look forward to.

7. Talk to someone, even if it's a rant. It can help.

8. Cook/bake a new recipe. Trying something new will distract you & you might 
find something you love.

9. Try a new makeup look. Am I the only one who finds great pleasure in playing with my makeup? 
Surely not. It's hella relaxing & satisfying.

10. Reading a book. Indulge your inner bookworm.

11. Go for a walk.

12. Take a nap. Go on, the world won't stop but your troubles will ease.

13. Count your blessings. Take a moment to be thankful for something. There is always someone worse off. This may help you put something into perspective & de-stress. 

14. Write. This is always a massive help to me. Write what's bothering you and how you can help fix it. Or even write your own list like this.

15. Remove yourself from the situation. If something has you particularly anxious or stressed out, walk away if you can. Even just for a few moments. It'll clear your head & it's probably the fastest & most effective solution on this list.

Have a wonderful day!

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1 comment

  1. I didn't even know that International Panic Day was a thing. Walking is what calms me down, I stick some music on and just walk and think until things seem a little clearer and better.


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