Bullet Journal Update

bullet journal inspiration

You guys may remember, back in May I posted about starting a bullet journal, and how it's been going for me. Well today I thought I'd post a little update for you guys on how my little book of magic is going!

You may also remember me writing about how I basically ditched the bullet system mostly, so it's more of an 'all in one' journal that I make work for me, and I'm so much happier with that!

bullet journal monthly plan

My journal is split into quite a few sections, and I have kept space for everything I need in it for the rest of the year. In my journal you will find sections for all the following;

Monthly plan & goals,
Daily tasks,
Blogging tasks,
Blogging admin,
Design schedule,
Girl Gang stuff,
Creative projects/ideas,
Daily goals.

Some of these I've had since the beginning, and others (like Youtube, Inspiration) have been added along the way.

bullet journal daily tasks

My top tips when creating your own journal (bullet or as random as mine!) -

1. Plan ahead with what content you want in there, and leave extra space for each thing! (You might need to add to it!)

2. Use washi tape, stickers, colourful pens, post it notes and glitter to make yours really unique/fun.

3. Use a system that works for you. Everyone else tracks their blog stats/spending/food/etc, but you can't be arsed? Ditch it. It'll be wasted space in your book you can use for something more fun.

4. Don't worry about making mistakes! Pop a bit of cute washi tape over it and rewrite what you need.

5. Make yours a true representation of what YOU need, not what you see on Pinterest (unless that's what works for you/you need). As you can see, mine is very busy, colourful, scribbly and kind of messy in a cute way. That couldn't represent my life more if I tried. I can't write things out perfectly neatly and have it simple and chic - my plans are constantly changing, people booking in for design work, deadlines changing, notes being made. My journal represents that.

6. Have fun with it! Don't bother starting one of these journals if it's not helpful/fun/needed. You'll get bored and be wasting your time.

As I mentioned in my previous journal post, I adapted this system as I previously used FIVE notebooks to keep track of everything I needed. So making my own journal and setting it out how I needed was the best thing I could do, and it's totally organised my life. I use this journal every single day now. I'd honestly be lost without it, and as soon as it's full I'm sure I'll start another and another. I'll also allow them to adapt and change to what I need over time, and that's great! Don't feel restricted when it comes to this.

So as you can tell, I'm still absolutely loving my journal, and finding it useful all the time.
If you would like to know the exact book I use for my journal, you can find it here.

A lot of the stickers featured are from my Etsy shop - which you can find here & purchase for yourself!

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