LoveTheSales Wishlist

Guys, I love a bargain. I'm constantly on the hunt. I'm that girl who will browse a website for two hours, putting everything into my basket and then just logging off without buying anything when I realise I'm too poor to indulge. Booo.

However, lately I've discovered a right little gem for all my beauty, footwear and fashion needs. Yippeee! On LoveTheSales you can find a bunch of proper good brands, for a teeny tiny fraction of their usual price. It's literally a site full of magic IMO.

My fave finds so far have been D&G Light Blue perfume reduced by 48% of the price (because FUN FACT; it's my fave perfume of all time!), and those gorgeous Vans shoes shown above for almost half their usual price! Eeep.

In fact, since I've become so obsessed with browsing the site and finding some good bargains - I decided this is how I'll decide what to run for my next giveaway! So guys, help me out here, take a browse of the site, tell me what gifts you'd like to win in my giveaway, and I'll get on it! I want to make sure the prize/prizes are something you guys really want! :)

So let me know what you're most lusting after, and I'll get my giveaway planned!

In the meantime, feel free to use me as your excuse for going on a huge shopping spree...

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*Products via LoveTheSales. See my disclaimer for more info.

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